[center][i]Like A Hurricane[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfBKOlS7yrg]-Theme-[/url] [/center] Blades both still spinning at an increasingly faster pitch, Tablurath had easily noted that Khold was still standing with his momentary glance upon landing. His opponent showing a startling amount of clairvoyance as he managed to avoid the sword. He would have literally have had to been moving from before his ice even started cracking for him to so cleanly avoid an attack he did not see coming. Not only did he manage that, but he was up on his feet again faster than it took Tablurath to land on his new perch. Achieving a startling amount in a mere second and half. Perhaps his opponent possessed god like reflexes and tactical mind. Or maybe he was incredibly lucky; this one was certainly full of surprises. Tablurath had already started moving by the time waves of cryo-seidhr, the aesr that was abundant in and around Kholodny, had begun to manifest. To Tablurath's prescriptive senses, it was easy enough to locate the source. Not that there was any doubt it was a technique from the ice man. Ohhh! How exciting! Khazna was beginning to think that one would hand over the incentive indefinitely. Khazna was sure a prolonged drop in temperature would cause any condensation that loved to collect itself on webs just like these to soon freeze over. Obviously his opponent sought to stunt his mobility. Tablurath could not allow his opponent to succeed however, and it just so happened he knew the exact response. Running along the length of one giant strand of spider silk as he was, he quickly sped toward the central pillar it connected to. The moment his leading foot connected with the rocks surface he sprinted directly up its length so quickly that he became nothing more than blur of movement moving at his maximum weighted speed. He sprinted around to the earth towers other side out of Khold's sight and reached the top of the pillar in no time at all. The momentum sent him skyward like an arrow loosed from a bow. "Wheeeee!" He exclaimed as he reach max velocity. "How about we make it rain?" Rising as high as 80 feet into the sky gave him quite the aerial view of the current battlefield. The vantage point also allowed him to see just how far Kholodny's cold wave covered the great stone platform they were currently on. It seemed to reach as far as the ice tower Khold had built his own ice platform from. Most Interesting. Gripping both his swords in a tighter hold Tablurath began. "Blade." Black mist rose around him from both his sheaths. "Storm!" He spun his right arm around using his weights to throw him into a wild spin. The moment his leading blade struck the black mist a fragment of it shot downward as it constructed itself into a duplicate blade. Tablurath's second did the same, even as he continued into his next rotation, and before the first blade had even fully formed and reached more than a few feet ahead of its sister clones, almost a dozen cuts had been made directly into the black mist. As if someone had suddenly turned on a faucet a near countless barrage of swords were falling earthbound directly toward Khold. Effectively fulfilling Tablurath's declaration, though certainly not in the same way Khold might have imagined. The rain of blades was spread in a wider field of effect then just above Khold however, covering a little over 40 feet in a storm of falling swords that covered most of the island they fought on. Smaller cable thick threads of spider silk were torn or severed, unfortunate spiders scurrying about were impaled, with the field and giant spider threads following suit, each blade falling with enough force to pierce even Khold's ice, and the man himself unless he managed to avoid that fate. Now the most interesting aspect of these black mist forged weapons was they carried all the characteristics of their true counterparts. Which included their potent ability to absorb arcane aesr, or in other words the same kind of power Khold manipulated. In other words Khazna had made the entire battlefield a pseudo-anti magic zone. If Khold acted fast he might still be able to avoid harm, but as one would remember, one blade had already slipped past Khold's defenses moments ago. The truth behind that attack had never truly been to kill him; it would have been extra icing on the cake but only icing. The ice at his feet had been the true target, even now that ice around him would be beyond his use, making manipulating it for his defense or escape impossible. Something he would find out the hard way if he tried manipulating it now. Khazna knew he his swords did not simply cut magic, Starlhrim allowed the ability to do much more than that. Khold was going to learn why elementalist to arcanist feared and hated these weapons. The battlefield now littered with swords the time had come. His mad spin slowing as the black mist around him thinned, his cape flying out behind him, Tablurath descended just as the rain of blades was ending. He ran directly down the same pillar of stone as before leaping to the top of another then dashing to the top of yet another, both blades now growing hot from the friction as they were still spun with wild speed. Assuming of course Khold did not try intercepting him before his blade storm, a futile effort it would be he would find. Whether or not Khold survived the barrage of swords was yet to be seen, in either case the grounds were ready. It was time he really started pushing to see what this 'Cold Winter' was really capable of, especially without his signature ability.