[quote=Summerlyn8] Character SheetName in Real Life:Summerlyn In Name Game: castellaAge:16Gender:female Looks: small. height 5.2. Not much muscle.Short Bio: she was picked on as a child and often can't take a joke. Her family moved to Japan from Britain so she's not of a Japanese heritage. It takes awhile to get to know her die to a distrust of almost everyone.Personality:shy, can be a smart with her comments, she takes offense easily and really is not much of a fighter. Can be emotionally unstable.Skills: throwing knifes, hidden daggers in her harp, acrobatics, singing, good ears, later unique skill shurikenjutsu.Preferred weapon and Armor:Dylan will be posting pictures. I have no computer due to it being ran over by a truck [/quote] [quote=ScarletRose] Hakuya Kotori Haname 12 Female Hakuya has always love fantasy games and Edo era martial arts games. When Sword Art Online was announced, she begged her father to get her the game and the NerveGear hardware to play it. By a stroke of luck, her father managed to pick up one of the 10,000 copies of the game and, to Hakuya's delight she was able to leap into the fantasy word of SAO. Hakuya is a bit of a free spirit and resents being told that she can't do something. She's very stubborn and will refuse to budge once she's made up her mind about something. She is also very sensitive about being treated like a child or having her short stature pointed out and typically responds to this with profanity and possibly physical violence. Daggers and Light Armor [/quote] [b]Both Accepted[/b] [quote=great_hellup] If possible i would like to join in but im not able to make a cs untill somewhere tomorrow. Starting work now :) [/quote] Thats okay! look forward to it! [quote=TPMkII] May I join in as well? I was planning on it, but I've been busy...If I can join, I'll get a character up by tomorrow morning! [/quote] Sure thing! AND NOW! I WILL GET A FIRST POST UP