Music - [url=]Premoniton[/url] [img=] Fael: Urgh....What...was that aura....? [img=] Thomas: Kurgh...Was it....Hate? No....something more.... [img=] Hugh: Whoa, what's wrong with you two? [img=] Marie: Well, it seems Fael and Thomas are way more sensible in feeling other peoples emotions and energy than us. [img=] Hugh: I don't think i get it, but that girl seemed off. Marie:.... [img=] Fael: Whew....I'm better now guys, i'm just not used in feeling to this kind of stuff yet... [img=] Thomas: *helping Fael to stand* I overheard Magio call that girl sister...was it? [img=] Hugh: Yup he did, not wanting to sound rude, but we need some explanations. [img=] Marie: (Also, what they meant by Miss Yukari about having escaped? Does it have relation on Miss Rachel taking over the trainning during Yukari's absence?) Music - [url=]ロード・ディアーチェ[/url] [img=] Celica: *dodges a danmaku* Whoa, where she did shot that from, she's too fast. [img=] Marisa: Well, at least you dodge better than Masa~! [img=] Masaki: *Pretends he didn't listen* [img=] Celica: Thanks for the compliment, so, shooting away is all you can do? [img=] Marisa: I know that's a taunt, but you should first mind you're surroundings ze! [img=] Celica: Eh? Celica had dodged many bullets, but they didn't just disappeared of hit something, they stood still on the air, Marisa was travelling at high speeds in mid air just so that Celica avert her attention to Marisa while setting up a trap, now the Chronophantasma was surrounded, and an attack from above would hit her. [img=] Shiro: Why we averted our eyes again meow? [img=] Kuro: Now that girl is finished! [img=] Masaki: Damn! [img=] Marisa: Now, i won't use Stardust Reverie, i knew something strange hit me away, and it wasn't you, so i'll draw it right now. *stands above Celica.* [img=] Celica: So you noticed? [img=] Marisa: Of course ze~! It was good while it lasted, so don't complain when you lose. [b]Star Sign "Gravity Beat"[/b] Spinning her broom, Marisa shots a star upwards, then, said star decends on Celica, and all the Danmaku scattered converge to her position, all it was heard is a great explosion. [img=] Masaki: Damn you! That was overkill! [img=] Marisa: Relax, she'll survive that! [img=] Kuro: How can you be so sure? Marisa: She'll just get knocked out for some time, so i won ze. [img=] Masaki: Even still, you shouldn't have attacked us randomly like that. [img=] Marisa: Why not? Masaki: Because.... Before Masaki would explain Marisa that is wrong to attack people at random just because she thinks they are strong, Marisa get's hit again by something. [img=] Marisa: Ow....Again...but this time i saw what it is. Music - [url=]Marionetter Purple II[/url] [img=] [url=]Ex Machina - Minerva[/url] [b]A copy of Celica's previous Nox Nyctores - [url=]Deus Machina Nirvana[/url], while it has a will of it's own, it can aid it's wielder in battle. [/b] [img=] Celica: Well, that was dangerous. [img=] Masaki: How? How are you still on foot? [img=] Celica: Well, i had to stay under the explosion Minerva made, but i still got hit by some bullets, but i can heal that minor damage. [img=] Marisa: It can explode? [img=] Celica: Minerva can do more than that! Minerva teleports to behind Marisa and started to throw punches of her, being used to fighting puppeters, Marisa antecipated it and dodged sideways, but got hit by a fireball. [img=] Marisa: Ow! I keep getting hit ze! [img=] Celica: Well, while healing magic is the best one i know, so i kinda know some magic as well, it's in the family. Marisa: I thought you would get more closer, and that fireball was more faster than i thought ze! [img=] Celica: You shouldn't underestimate me ze! [img=] Marisa: Oh Really? Now you got me pumped. She quickly flies to the sky, far above Minerva's reach. Marisa: Prepare, for something your explosion won't save. Love Sign - Mas... [img=] Celica: (Minerva, you know what to do.) Marisa: (Why i have a feeling i'm forgetting something?) ...ter Spa... Before Marisa could use her signature attack, she was grabbed by Minerva who has teleported to her location, this is what Marisa was forgetting [img=] Celica: 10,9,8,7,6.... Marisa and Minerva fall on the ground [img=] Marisa: Why there's a countdown on her head ze? I hope this is her spell card running out of time ze! Celica: 5,4,3,2... Marisa: Oh Cra- [img=] Celica: [url=]1![/url] [url=]Minerva detonates a powerful bomb, finishihg the battle[/url] [b]ASTRAL FINISH[/b]