Luro looked behind him hearing the familiar voice of the captain, it seems they didn't have time to make dinner first. He started to offer a smile to the returning two but noticed the men approaching from the distance. With a shrug he dropped the potato's and took his rifle off his back, taking out a paper cartridge he started reloading his gun, by time the men started firing his gun was already loaded and he walked up to the side of the ship just as Runali spoke. He offered a wide grin before resting his rifle on his shoulder, with the excited look in his eyes one would think he had just found unguarded loot. "Aye Captain, perhaps they should understand what it means to draw a weapon on someone, especially the captain of pirates." Luro ran toward the edge and leaped off it, he hit the ground rolling until he was in front of the guys and without missing a beat uppercut one of the men with the butt of his gun, he released it having successfully drawn the attention of the others causing to spin in the air. He turned his body catching it mid spin before aiming it at the skull of one of the pirates behind him and pulling the trigger. "It's a sad day for you lads," Luro said raising his gun to stopping a sword from coming down on him, he kicked the man in his stomach before hitting him across the face with his gun smiling at him. "You went and shot at and insulted the Coral Pearl, even worse you attacked the captain. I mean I'm actually in a really good mood today even with you guys here but you messed up twice." He ducked as another swung horizontally at him, spinning past him he grabbed his pistol off his belt as he did so, the pirate turned only to see the barrel of his gun pointed at him, primed and ready to fire. "Shame I'm not the type to really take prisoners," he said pulling the trigger grinning as he tossed the gun aside watching the man's body fall. "Oh right Captain I forgot to ask, did you want prisoners?! I mean they've already drawn their weapons so I figured it was alright to go ahead and take them down!" Luro slammed the barrel of his gun into the stomach of one of the men before kneeing him in the chin sending him onto the ground. "Almost forgot to ask actually, still gotta get used to holding back in situations like this. I mean I'm going to rob them either way but we got a reputation to uphold or something right?"