Music - [url=]With Pride[/url] [img=] Fael: ....Don't say you're sorry... [img=] Fael: Of course we'll help! [img=] Hugh: You should know the answer already. Also, the only eciting part of my life is my friends anyway, having to fight is not that bad. Count me in! [img=] Marie: That's the reason why we got our powers, to fight! Just standing and watching the place we live getting destroyed is not what i want. [img=] Fael: That's why I'll let you know that you can count on us for anything. [img=] Thomas: We shall fight together as one, i promise as a Hunter, and friend! They all smiled at the triplest, having made their choice ever since they started with the trainning. [img=] Marie: Also, these three are hopeless without me! That's another reason i'm sticking with the group. [img=] Hugh: Hey, what's that supposed to mean? Just because you are a genius, you shouldn't finding yourself all high and mighty. [img=] Thomas: (I would say she did that on purpose, but Hugh already got angry.) [u]School's Entrance[/u] [img=] Masaki: Whoa, all that fighting and we didn't attract any attention? [img=] Celica: Well, Miss Rachel has set up a barrier, so we have fighting all the time in an alternate dimension, it should be wearing off by now. [img=] Shiro: I guess that explains meow. [img=] Kuro: By the way, why are you healing her meow? [img=] Marisa: That's my line ze! [img=] Celica: Why? Because you are injured. [img=] Marisa: What if i attacked you again ze? [img=] Masaki: That's what i asked to her. [img=] Celica: I really don't mind, i just don't like to see people injured. [img=] Marisa: You... (Now that i think of it, since she doesn't use danmaku, she isn't bound by their rules, she could have killed me, but she didn't...) I know, you must be one of those goody two-shoes type. [img=] Celica: Nah, i'm just Celica A. Mercury. [img=] Masaki: Masaki Andoh! [img=] Marisa: Marisa Kirisame! [img=] Celica: Nice to meet you two! *giggle*