[b]Created by Hell, and in the service of Heaven.[/b] [img]http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh293/Chase7856/undead/angel_of_death-12.jpg[/img] Nobody kills Demons better than Demons. People say that an Angel can fall, succumb to the temptations of Hell and become a Demon. But everyone fails to realize the reverse may happen. A Demon who sees the light, and enters the service of Heaven. You, are one of the few. You have shattered your bonds to the flaming abyss, and now serve the light in the war against darkness. Despite proving your loyalty, as a Demon-Angel you are shunned by the pure Angels born into the service of Heaven. You serve with your few fellows, visiting Earth as the middle ground and battling off the Hordes. The Demon-Angels, the Risen, whatever name you may go by, your brethren come in all shapes. From humble (If irritating) imps to the most menacing of arch-demons, succubi and incubi, even the undead. You take your orders from nobody but yourself, so long as you carry out the duty of eradicating Demons before they can form large groups on Earth. =========================================================================================== I apologize for the short description of the RP. I would do more, but this RP will be mostly player driven. As stated, you will be playing a Demon-Angel, (Risen, Ascended, Hell's Angel, or whatever else you want to call it) under the service of Heaven. The time period is modern day, though Demons and Angels aren't using things such as guns. All swords and the like. 'cause reasons. BIG POINT! While this RP obviously deals slightly with religion, I would like to avoid the topic as much as possible. We will obviously be mentioning Heaven and Hell, God and the Devil, the seven deadly sins incarnate, etcetera etcetera. I myself am not a very religious person, and I hate seeing arguments about religion arise. Thus, OOCly, everyone would be doing me a big favor by not bringing it up as an argumentative topic. I apologize to anybody religious that may take offense to this RP and the bending or breaking of certain points in the religions mentioned. As I said, I personally do not study religion, so I may get points wrong or backwards or whatever. This is not intentional, sorry. Now, back to the RP. We will -all- be one of the Ascended, no exceptions. The task of our characters is quite simply to eradicate demons that infiltrate Earth. There -will- be an overarching plotline, however it will be subtle and followed at the leisure of you, the players. (Though if things start to slow down I will force a bit of the plot.) The entire RP won't be centered around battle and death. There will be points where the characters simply wander Earth or Heaven and talk to other people, interact with each other and the world. Hell, we might all dress up as humans and get hammered in a bar. (Demons prolly can't get hammered. But whatever.) This -is- going to be a mid-to-high casual RP. I expect at -least- a paragraph, hopefully two or more. Normal site rules apply, yadayadayada. This will be dealing with things like succubi and incubi and gore and such, so expect mature themes- As long as no serious smut gets involved, we're all good. Feel free to get as gory as you please. RULES: 1: Yes, I am the GM. Yes, my word is law. No, I am not a dick. You may question me, try to persuade me, and reason any case that may come up. I'm a decent guy, so I'll listen to what people have to say. I have no intentions of being a tyrant. 2: Blood, gore, and other mature themes are pretty much expected in an RP like this. Keep smut off the page, but I don't care how gory you get with the violence. Hell, detail is usually pretty fun. 3: To prove you read the rules, put your favorite flavor ice cream at the bottom of your CS. 4: You will have fun or so help me I'll ram rainbows of happiness up your ass until you vomit unicorns. 5: This rule has no purpose. 6: IC arguments are cool. Not all characters can love eachother, ya know? But please, keep OOC arguments and rivalries to a minimum. I don't like having to tell people off in my OOCs. 7: I like pie. If you, like myself, aren't overly familiar with the world of demons, here's a site to look at various types of demons, which you can further research at your leisure to create your character. [url=http://www.lizaphoenix.com/encyclopedia/demons.shtml] The CS: [hider=Character Skeleton] Name: Species: Appearance: (Picture would be nice, text description is okay as long as it's detailed. Breaking lore a bit, all types of demons will be able to take human forms when needed. Put that here as well, and any other shapeshifting forms if your demon is capable of that. Also, all ascended gain the wings of an angel. So yeah. We can fly.) Age: Gear: (Note, as an ascended, each Demon is given a Heaven Artifact. This usually takes the shape of a weapon- For instance, the Grim Reaper's scythe would be considered his Angel Artifact, at least in my mind. These artifacts can take all sorts of forms, though it's usually a weapon as I said. Daggers, swords, scythes, claws, whatever. These artifacts are very powerful holy objects. They can also take the form of armor- speaking of, also list your clothes/armor here.) Powers: (Most Demons have special abilities. Shapeshifting, minor mind control, power over certain elements- Of course, keep this accurate to the lore of your demon species.)) Other: (Didjya read the rules?)[/hider] Accepted Characters: Arlear: [hider= Aren] Name: Aren "Shadow Cat" Species: [url=http://www.vampires.com/bajang-vampire-weasel/]Bajang[/url] Appearance: [img]http://takeinsocialmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/dark-angel-images-photos-0223200243.jpg[/img] This is pretty much exact, though his wings are white, as are his eyes, now that he has ascended. His human form is more or less identical, with the obvious changes- Normal colored skin, (Caucation) no wings, normal clothes and the like. [img]http://live.data.wt.precedenthost.co.uk/sites/default/files/imagecache/reserve_web_large/sites/data.live.wt.precedenthost.co.uk/files/Polecat3_cpt_Elliot_Smith.jpg[/img] Polecat form. Age: 361 Gear: All is pretty much seen in the appearance. The clothes are identical, all made of cloth and obviously useless as armor. The 'robe' style ends just below his hips, turning into loose cloth pants and leather boots. As to his artifact weapon, it is visible in the picture as the metal gauntlet-claws on his left hand. This expands up his entire forearm, and on command longer blades slide out over the top of his hand and over his elbow. The artifact, like all others, is rather powerful, and has the tendency to burn the unholy. Brutally. The claws and longer blades are razor sharp, as well. [img]http://eagleswords.com/library/FantasyClawDagger5.jpg[/img] Rough idea of what the longer blades look like. The claws are seen in the appearance image. Powers: As a Bajang, Aren is a vampiric shapeshifter. Just as most vampire myths state, he is faster, stronger, and generally more agile and athletic than any normal human. As an ascended, he also possesses the wings of an Angel, and thus can fly. He does, of course, require blood as sustenance. Since siding with Heaven, he has -mostly- restricted himself to the blood of animals or demon enemies. Occasionally, he resorts to human blood if it is absolutely needed. He is also capable of spreading disease with his bite, though he refuses to do so now that he has sided with Heaven. He can shapeshift into a Polecat- More like a weasel than a cat, really, but it is excellent for running around unknown.[/hider] A Rainmaker [hider=Seraphina] Name: Seraphina, Aodhán Species: Demon, Elemental Appearance: Demon- [img]http://i61.tinypic.com/334455k.jpg[/img] [img]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a379/ZaneyLaney/womanoffire.jpg[/img] Risen- [img]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a379/ZaneyLaney/Women/e289cccd64a9ec0eaba2c56c71747772-p93l0v.jpg[/img] [img]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a379/ZaneyLaney/Women/fireAngel.jpg[/img] Age: 509 Gear: [img]http://i62.tinypic.com/f435sl.jpg[/img] A blade that when pressure is applied to the end of the handle, will lengthen into a spear. The weapon cannot be harmed by the heat of her flames and even acts as an extension of her arm, burning hot and brilliant beyond the initial holy fire. [img]http://i58.tinypic.com/1g18jb.jpg[/img] Aodhán also has a short sword of damascus steel that she carries at her hip. Her dress is varied, though her she taken to enjoying being encased in black leather and in her human form dons a chain and cross round her wrist. Powers: When Aodhán chooses her true, basic form, she becomes a living being of flame that burns as hot as the forges of Hell, born from them as she was. She is a veritable solar flare, capable of reducing a person to ash if she were to embrace them. Shadows flock to her side, sometimes coalescing until her flame is hidden in a blanket of pitch. She can create and control fire the most, but has some control over shadows. She can shift at will between her forms. Other: Chocolate and mint. OMNOMNOMNOm.[/hider] DAWNSTAR [hider= Malicham] Name: Malicham Species:Djinn(Also known as a Jinn) Appearance: Demon form [-] [img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1181301-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] Human form [-] [img]http://api.ning.com/files/l*9xrwMSbXrtZ7w70W7beQ-LxlvNEOVM5cx2l72Tch38crcErBjcFcaBwpxQ8doeOt7HbR*rq3wy9*ZHCUmkl9LtDD5ZrkOR/Drayol3.jpg[/img] Age:679 Gear: Bow [-] [img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/337/c/6/keyblade_bow__by_blackwargreymonfan-d6wmilr.jpg[/img] Malicham's bow is like an extension of his self. He is never without the bow and will never let anyone else touch the bow. Swords [-] [img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/028/6/1/tactical_swords_by_jonwelch-d5t2a0e.jpg[/img] Malicham's swords are used only when Malicham can't use his bow. He often wears the clothes in his human form but will take off his jacket to fight. Powers: Minor elemental control and illusions are the powers Malicham uses. He can produce flames onto his weapons. He is incapable of controlling the flames and can only summon them onto items he is touching. His illusions are far more elaborate than a typical illusion. He can change the surrondings to be completely dark with an illusion or make a person look as if they are on fire. The illusions are only capable of influincing the sight of a person and in some cases what a person hears but can't influence touch or smell. Other: Vanilla fudge swirl is my favorite ice cream. It is amazing.[/hider] Arrayah [hider=Lynarra] Name: Lynarra Species: Succubus Appearance: Demon Form [-] [img]http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u92/puppslove2/d0ffc904-1fc4-49bc-bc98-c94ba132c38a.jpg[/img] Human Form [-] [img]http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u92/puppslove2/red_hair_by_ryo_says_meow-d4g65kk.jpg[/img] Age: 164 Gear: Whip [-] [img]http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u92/puppslove2/Chain_Maille_Whip_by_Knifejosh.jpg[/img] Her whip is her holy artifact and will shorten or lengthen itself to her will and therefore is easily collapsible and hidden. It is very useful for keeping someone still, or getting them to come closer, like most of her "talents". Her armor is seen in the picture, and though it does not cover much, it does protect the essentials (in her opinion). Besides, can't demons be distracted? There's no way she's ever going to cover her beautiful body too much. Powers: The power of great persuasion, and the ability to read the minds of her victims. Other: I've changed it to.... something with peanut butter.[/hider] Themerlinhawk [hider=Samael] Name: Samael Species: Fallen Angel Appearance: Fallen- [img]http://copypast.ru/uploads/posts/1264511723_fantasy_the_lord_of__hell.jpg[/img] Risen- [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs37/i/2008/274/2/d/Avenging_Angel_by_Prasa.jpg[/img] Samael’s human form is more or less his risen form without the halo, wings, and in modern attire. Age: 2514 (Samael fell shortly after the death of christ as he had spent 500 years as an angel then 1,856 serving as an enforcer and vengeance demon for Hell before returning to the light which he has served as an Avenging Angel of Retribution for the last 158 years) Gear: Talio [img]http://www.baytree-interiors.co.uk/_assets/img/site/products/giant/S704.jpg[/img] Shield [img]http://cfspiritualformation.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/ritcarskijshitshitgerbshitstarinnijshitkovanijshit982070454731.jpg[/img] Talio is Samael’s Heaven Artifact as is a very straight forward and brutal instrument. Talio is capable of cutting through almost all mortal substances and quite a few immortal one. At will the sword is capable of channeling Samael’s will in the form of beam of white light which burns demons and mortal sinners. Additionally Talio will refuses to be wielded by anyone but Samael and anyone foolish enough to attempt to do so soon finds that misfortune follows those who would try for three days before the Artifact mysterious returns itself to Samael’s possession. Samael in human form wears cargo pants and Tshirts with leather work boots While in Angel form he wears his depicted clothing which in it of itself is not very good protection from weapons but he also wears a single vambrace on his left arm which allows him project a hemisphere like shield in front of his open left hand made of light which is effective at stopping projectiles and magic. Or he may opt to create a more classic and far more substantial shield on his left arm which is effective against melee weapons. Powers: Samael is very fast and incredibly strong while in angel form, in human form he is less so but he is still in excellent physical condition. Samael’s wings give him the ability to fly and additionally his wings are capable of radiating a halo of light which burns lesser demons and temporarily blinds mortal assailant. Samael is also capable of passing through solid objects for the purpose of delivering retribution for a single specific Sin which caused an innocent to suffer. The link between the sin and the suffering of an innocent must be clear as this power is meant ONLY to allow Samael to deal out justice as an angel of Retribution. In any other circumstances Samael is incapable of using this power. (An example of this might be a demon murdering an innocent human and then fleeing into a locked room, Samael could then acting as an Angel of Retribution pass through the wall or door of the room in order to in act Retribution for the innocent persons suffering) Other: Coconut pineapple is so very delicious[/hider] PoisonLillies [hider=Lilith] Name: Lilith Species: Bajang Appearance: Bajang Form: [img]http://cdn.superbwallpapers.com/wallpapers/fantasy/vampire-soldier-24179-400x250.jpg[/img] Human Form: [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTw-3e-kL2kvIw4Uny4hEcRnH-ZdwMWXMQ661EMULlm9AsYxx52[/img] Animal Form: [img]http://pnwfieldguide.wikispaces.com/file/view/shaylaharter.jpg/113143321/341x359/shaylaharter.jpg[/img] Age: 200 Bajang Clothing Lilith always keeps her googles on top of her head, more for show then anything. Lilith has a leather corset shirt. Short black blue jean shorts. Lilith has leather fingerless gloves on. She wears black combat boots. Human ClothingLilith likes to keep the clothing loose. Always wearing long-sleeves, sweater like shirts, that go past her fingertips the collar dripping off one side of her shoulder. Light colored blue jeans that cling to the skin. Black ankle high converse shoes. Weapon: [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/s403x403/10312405_295641797265988_5008917040491747458_n.jpg[/img] Powers:Lilith can transform into her cat weasel. The fact that Lilith is somewhat a vampirism cat weasel she has gained the ability of both sides. She has the grace of both cat and vampire. Lilith has great speed of a vampire and the acrobatics of the feline. She does not have as much strength as she should have. One of her weakness, before Lilith decided to side with heaven she had drank the blood of many men, women, and children. She struggles every day to not go back to her ways of drinking people dry. She has to drink a lot of animal and demon blood to fill the hunger that is inside her. She has gained medium sides wings to enable her to fly. However flying is also not one of her strong points. Other: Cookie Dough Ice Cream.[/hider]