Connor stumbled back, the blow to his arm significantly damaging. A large crack sound filled the air, followed by several pebbles and rubble of broken stone fell from his arm. Connor stared at it. There was a large, snaking crack located around his joints. It could do definitely hinder him, but right now wasn't the time to sit down and try to fix it. "Augh.." Connor muttered, raising a hand to his arm, wincing as he felt the crumbling stone. "You hit hard." Connor threw another fist toward the bronze plated golem. However, the golem caught the attack, knowing what was coming, and threw another punch at Connor's own large chest, knocking him back. Connor slid through the forest, beige dust billowing up around him and felling any trees in his way, before sliding to a stop. The bronze golem's movements and actions were swift and precise, unlike his more loose, swinging attacks. He barely had time to regain himself before the golem charged Connor, it's bronze armor gleaming and shiny metal arms Conor's stone thudding against each other dully. Connor smashed a clenched fist into the bronze golem's lower abdomen. The golem buckled briefly, and Connor took his chance to smash another stone fist into the golem's face. The golem fell to it's knees, it's hands flying to it's face. When Connor's fist came back, large chunks of bronze metal came with it. The bronze golem slowly rose again, dropping it's hands. Clearly, it's face was rather badly disfigured. Bronze plating was cracked and dented, and a large chunk of it's face was completely missing. The lower abdomen was clearly badly damaged a large plate dented inward. Out of no where, the bronze golem threw another fist at Connor, and a massive crack appeared in his arm. A swift kick to shin brought him down to his knees. The bronze golem brought it's two fists together, raising it above his head, and brought it back down on Connor's back. "Stay.. down!" The golem uttered out, clearly fatigued from the battle. Connor fell to the floor, a massive crack in his back. The bronze golem gave a kick, and Connor gasped. Another. And another. It was a bit overkill for a golem who was half beaten to death. The bronze golem attempted to give another, but Connor caught it midway. Connor grabbed the leg and pulled it down. Searing, white hot pain flared through his arm and back as the bronze golem came crashing down. Connor grabbed a nearby tree that hadn't yet been collapsed by the subsequent damage of the fight, still trying to get up. Trees seemed to be rather handy nowadays. Anything really in grabbing distance worked. Connor attempted to beat the golem, but the bronze one grabbed it before he could and threw it aside. There went trees. Time for the usual way. Connor knocked his fist into the bronze golem's face, and yet again, and again. Pain was flaring up, but he ignored it. Adrenaline would've been pumping through his veins if he weren't a giant living rock. The bronze golem's movements became less swift and precise as Connor beat the golem's face in. Each hit, more damaged was caused. Bronze gave away, cracked, or simply dented. The golem threw some of it's own punches back, but most were weak. Eventually the golem just stopped moving in general. Connor got up, panting for breath. The bronze golem lay on the ground, dust settling around the body, collapsed trees surrounding it. The battle took quite the toll on him. The bronze golem was strong, didn't hold back. And it didn't get away without doing some bad damage to him. Pain flared up on his back, the crack groaning as he moved. [i]This is what happens when you give to charity, Connor.[/i] He thought, briefly reaching for his back.