[b]Ozerath[/b]: it is up to you. Killing enemies and having them flee in fear serves the same purpose. One could assume that the enemies really run for the hills, far away from wherever they are, which is the same thing as killing them. However, if killing them would somehow go against what your character thinks is right, then having them flee is better because the character is essential sparing the enemy from death. Edit: you will get the most joy out of making something that is coherent with your character concept; something that 'makes sense.' You do not have to, and I am not forcing you, but from my own experience, it makes for much more enjoyable and above all else [i]easier[/i] roleplaying. I updated my own limit break "Tempest" with a description. Read it and then read Olivia's personality and you'll notice the 'coherency' that I am talking about. It might not be obvious, but it is there. Your limit break, as it is now, is much more coherent with your character than a version that kills enemies.