Magnus was exceptionally confused now. "What's a plane?" He thought aloud, lowering his guard for a moment. It proved to be just long enough for him to take Gren's hit, which sent him tumbling away. The knight hit the ground rolling, coming to a stop after a few feet of travel. Under his breath, he grunted out a quiet curse. "Oh, for Alesia's sake..." As he started to push himself up, he took notice of Sun, and gratefully accepted his aid. "Yeah, I'm fine. Little sore, but I'll manage," He replied, giving him a pat on the shoulder. "Thanks." He withdrew his hand and turned towards the other two, gripping his sword with both hands again as he entered a defensive stance. His own expression wasn't visible from beneath his helmet, but it was one of caution. These guys, whoever they were, certainly weren't screwing around. He didn't launch another attack yet, but a blue glow that came from both the amulet that hung from his necklace and the gem in his sword's hilt suggested he was preparing something. Tiberius, who had refrained from leaping back into battle just yet, watched the others from the sidelines. Gren had been going after Magnus, the one who attacked him, so he naturally felt like he should take his side. Wordlessly, he walked over to stand next to him, twisting the handle of his axe as he did so. From the blade, multiple teeth extended. They began to move on a chain, letting out a roar from the engine that was apparently hidden somewhere in the weapon's body. It was quite an intimidating display, and got quite the reaction out of Magnus. Lowering his sword slightly, he expressed his disbelief. "Are you kid- Seriously? [i]Seriously?[/i] What the hell is that? Why is it making that sound? No, that's just unfair. This is crap. [i]You're[/i] crap." He pointed accusingly at Tiberius when he finished the sentence, but swiftly re-entered his previous stance when he came rushing at him with the weapon. They both swung, and on impact, a flood of sparks flew from the blades.