[u]Khan[/u] Khan's eyes merely hardened at Kudd's words as the creature seemed disappointed, the headmaster too distracted by the conversation to notice the scene around him had changed. The ever shifting landscape had became dark and voided of any light before the ground gave way out from under him. Immediate he felt himself plunged downward as his arm raised, hand reached to stop his descendent but it was fruitless. His body was treated to the sensation of the wind whipping by and ears to Kudd's words echoed in his mind before he was jerked back into his body. Khan's eyes jerked open and the smell of blood filled his nostrils, rustic and thick in the air. Warmth where the wounds had appear upon his runes, the worse of them belonged to Rathel and Upsah, as his odd colored eyes noticed the group of hands working to save him. Their magics swirled his exiting blood then poured back into his body which had seemed weak and feeble. However it was too dark to see who they were or what race. Despite the terror within his mind, Khan forced himself to stay calm and pulled himself upright. Lightheaded and confused, his hand raised to create an Inferno portal. The faint light of the hash environment peered through to douse the endless darkness in deep red and give identity to what was hidden. The vampires slight recoiled from the light, his stomach churned from the nausea that had swept over him and nearly had him hurdle forth the sourness within his mouth. By the Gods he seemed so weak. His mind flickered to the first time he had experience this sensation and if the situation wasn't so grave, Khan would've laughed at the memory. Instead, he only became concerned. His mind focused harder on the portal to enlarge it while the vampires pulled farther back, unable to stop him but trying to fulfill Lucilia's request of them. "Thank you for the help but I need to regain control." Khan said simply then when the portal was large enough, he pushed off the table and into it. When he emerged, right at the edge of the of the fight between the teachers and his demons. However Khan's body crumbled into a heap. His body shook violently for a second then slowly faded, sweat poured against his scales and seemed to chill his temperature like the signs of Blood Sickness. Khan managed only to throw up once, his dinner piled with meat chucks and his drink upon the floor and waft it's sour scent. He ignored the pain and illness as he forced himself upright upon his feet. His hand trailed up the wall as he fought to steady his wobbly balance and slowly made his way toward the group. Blood still seeped from his wound, left small drips in his wake with each painful step. The first demon came upon was Upsah. He saw the demon's skull dented and warped from Lucilia's work, some of the vines still there and the amber as well. The demon just clicked his jaws when he spotted the Headmaster over him. "My, my... With allies like these, who needs enemies?" It was a clear attempt to mock Khan but he didn't jump at the bait, instead he limped forward and shook his head. Upsah currently unable to move, the Headmaster turned to bark a command at Heus. Aligned not far from the brutish demon, Heus's rune glowed and shimmered as the damage had already painfully started to meld itself. Fighting the fire burning within him when he addressed Heus. "Enough! Heus, stop..." The demon's pain seemed to had ceased but it's wrath hadn't doused in the least, confusion deep in the creature's simple mind interfered. Khan, on the other hand, wasn't about to be deterred. His hand raised upwards. The small spark of green flame sparked and flickered into a flame, a fireball formed inside his hand. It wasn't as hot as pyromancy but it would get Heus's attention shortly. Not wasting much time, Khan's arm tightened and threw the flame. It rushed forward then splattered into the creature's face before it died. The flame barely affected Heus but it caused his head to turn, noticing his Demonomancer for the first time. The dull eyes slowly registered Khan's image for what seemed like ages. Slowly he no longer applied pressure to Grey and massive demon lifted his foot then gingerly placed it onto the ground beside the man's waist. Khan, on the other hand, once more heaved. More blood poured onto the floor from the combination of blood sickness and Kudd's poison. His legs weakened and gave out from under him, his head swept up in the dizzy spell. He hadn't even enough time to utter a word when he was on his hands and knees in the following moments.