[b]Trooper Alexis Radclyffe - Lifepod[/b] It took a few moments for her to regain her balance after the rough ride to the surface, but the trooper in the immaculate red tunic got to her feet as soon as she possibly could. She was a woman of Praetoria, after all, and were she to show tardiness or, even worse, were such a thing to cause her to lose consciousness, it would be an insult to her regiment. That and it would probably result in a beating. Immediately upon getting to her feet, the first thing Trooper Radclyffe did (well, second thing; the first thing she really did was dust off her uniform) was click her heels together and salute the Interrogator. As a member of the Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition, he was the highest ranking person in the pod and thus the one she should address first and foremost. "Sir! It would take more than that to kill one of the Praetorian 39th, sir!" She barked, before standing at ease. "At ease" being a relative term, as there was still a general stiffness in her posture developed from the beatings earned from the several times she was [i]too[/i] at ease. "The Emperor smiles on us today, sir! May I suggest we scout the perimeter and set up base camp, sir!?"