They walked through the corridors, eating the lunch. Lilly and Necrox didn't shared their food, like Marie and Hugh. So they gave them to Satori, who ate it all. Their steps were the only in the entire school. They finally reached the door to the office. Satori sat back on her seat. She pressed a button and the door opened. Magio got first, followed by Necrox, Lilly and the rest. [img=] Rinnosuke: Hello, everyone. It is nice to see you. [img=] Magio: Hi, Kourin. Do you have something with us? [img=] Rinnosuke: M-Magio, don't go calling me that. Anyway... Rinnosuke snapped his fingers and 8 chairs appeared. He sat on the one in front of the rest and started to speak. BGM: [url=]7 weights[/url] [img=] Rinnosuke: Possibly, you already know why I called you here, don't you? [img=] Necrox: Let me guess. We're the only people in school to have powers, so you called us to help with a massacre with Peach, didn't you? [img=] Rinnosuke: How did you know? No one told you, or someone did? [img=] Necrox: She made a brief appearance before. Plus, asking that to a controller of Fate... isn't that a stupidity? Rinnosuke facepalmed and laughed a little. Even if Peach didn't appear, Necrox would have probably known already. [img=] Rinnosuke: ...Well you know of it already, now I ask: are you willing to save the fate of this Universe? [img=] Magio: We made our decision. And our consensus is "yes". We will fight against Sister.