[hider=Outfit][img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e0/b5/7d/e0b57db064dfbe4fb7db6276fddd8dfc.jpg[/img][/hider] Zen sat on the bench outside the principles office. She was watching a Bruce Lee movie on her phone. Her earphones in. Her dark eyes watching the screen. Flickering across it at a rapid rate taking in every detail. She sat down just like 'L' from Death Note. [hider=Like this][img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/f9/fc/0d/f9fc0d77d960b70630516e88acc30998.jpg[/img][/hider] Her phone laid against her colorful jean covered legs. She was biting the nail of her right hand thumb and her left hand held the phone steady. She was so focused on her movie she didn't notice her best and only friend Matt plop down beside her. [hider=Matt][img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/8b/56/0a/8b560aea11b7c0592c3ba2a8719dfab8.jpg[/img][/hider] "You ready Zen?" Matt asked softly. She didn't like loud noises very much. Zen didn't move her eyes from the movie. "Where's mommy?" She asked in an innocent voice. Matt shifted uncomfortably before grabbing the bag at his feet. "She's at the hospital now. She told me to give you this." He reached the bag out to her. For the first time she moved her eyes from the screen. She then grabbed the bag from him quickly before opening it revealing bags upon bags of candy. "There's enough to last you a while. In a couple of hours you can leave here and we can see Auntie Em." Zen nodded already opening a bag of candy and began snacking on the M&M's. "Principle Powers will be here soon to show you to your Special Ed classroom." Zen didn't respond making Matt sigh. "Bye Zen." He said standing to leave. "Bye Matty!" She yelled out to him with a dramatic wave causing him to laugh and wave back before leaving. Zen then went back took snacking on candy and watching her movie waiting for the principle.