[center][u][b]Helena[/u][/b] [Img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-bw5fv1vK0T4/UQ1E3NfHWQI/AAAAAAAAElk/lp7_Qb1CW5s/s280/tumblr_mf4nnh7Auj1rnl1uko1_500_large.jpg[/img][/center] Chirp, Chirp, Chirp! The birds singing while, Helena ran around the grass smiling. It was such a beautiful place that she was at! And then suddenly. Boom. A flash appeared and she woke up noticing her mom opening the curtains and letting the sunlight in. "Are. You. Serious?" Helena told her mother wiping her eyes, tired. Her mother smiled. "Get up. Today is the day!" She clapped and walked out of the room. Helena sat down her hair all messed up as she layed her back on the bed again putting the bed sheets covering her whole body. "I dont wanna go!" she whined like a little baby. Helena got her butt up from the bed and walked to the bathroom, taking a shower, finishing her shower, brushing her teeth and picking up her clothes for the day. It was the first day of school, so her mom wanted her to be all cute and represent the Montgomery family. She walked to her bed seeing her clothes that her mom picked up. A sundress and sandals. No. That was not Helena. Helena threw away the dress and sandals, [hider=now putting on a high waisted pants. A white longsleeve shirt with white and black black high heels.][img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/4da25f011f27929cc7c2308912885403/tumblr_mewad9LpBP1rxd944o1_500.jpg[/img][/hider] And ofcourse she did her hair, straighten it and grabbed a dark red lipstick putting it on, and some eyeliner and that was it(Like in the picture up there.) She didn't color her whole face like some girls do. She also grabbed a jacket just incase it got cold or something. "Alright, I am out." She waved at her mom. "Wait!" Her mother called out giving Helena a hug and her snack bag. "Mom....I am not a li-..." she sighed grabbing the bag and walking out of the house. Helena then walked to the bus stop, which was a couple of blocks away. Not far. Helena made it to the bus stop seeing that she was alone. It was infront of a park. She sat down in the bench raising a leg ontop of the other and waiting. All she did was wait. It was going to arrive in about 35minutes or so. "I seriously need to do something about being alone. I have no type of friends." And she waited.