Genesis brushed through her hair lightly, leaving it still some what messy. She slathered lip gloss on her thin lips and smiled at her reflection. Then Genesis closed her eyes and as she opened a new reflection was waiting in the mirror for her. She laughed lightly at the boy in the mirror, his hair messy to he hadn't bothered to comb it since G awoke. G picked up a flat white comb and pushed it through his hair. It had taken quite awhile for Genesis to get used to the fact she could change into a boy, who she had name Gabriel. Sometimes Genesis would wake up and be Gabriel, sometimes she wished she'd been born powerless. But when her mother convinced G it was a good power she came to see the light in being a "gender bender" as G called it. G switched back to her female form and ran her black nails through her dark hair. Genesis grabbed her navy blue worn messenger bag from the back of her door and then exited her room, shutting the door behind her. She hurried down the stairs, stopping to hug her mom. "Have a good day sweetheart. Be careful, make good choices." G's mother smiled. "My god mother, I'll be home in like eight hours. Not going for a cruise or anything." Genesis rolled her eyes and hurried out the door yelling a goodbye. Genesis hurried towards the bus stop for sky high and saw there was already a boy sitting down on the bench. "Hi, I'm G." She sat down right next to the boy and smiled softly.