Brady had made it too the bus stop early, deciding to wear a long sleeved blue shirt, with blue jeans. Brady adjusted his black back pack as he stood at the bus stop, waiting patiently for the bus. Brady was totally lost in his own thoughts, not noticing a single thing about his surroundings. He was content to stand and simply watch the clouds. His father had tried to get him to wear some sort of superhero costume today, since Brady was starting his sophomore year, but Brady just laughed his father up. Brady doubted he would ever wear a superhero costume. Brady looked straight up in the air, still oblivious to everything around him. He honestly couldn't wait to be back at Sky High. He enjoyed the people there, and he also seemed to okay in courses. While he had only gone to a regular high school for one year, he had been able to join the sports team of his local high school and be around those students, and he easily liked Sky High students more than regular students. While the powers threw in a cool gear into the equation, it also allowed for people to more thoroughly express themselves. At least, that's what Brady believed. Brady dropped his gaze down to his feet, and lightly tapped his foot. This was an everyday occurrence for Brady. Getting so lost in his own thoughts that he would completely ignore those around him. It wasn't that his attention was hard to get, he simply just lost himself easily when bored. As Brady started to ease himself back into reality, he started to roll up the sleeves of his shirt. He remembered how nice and cool it got at Sky High, and how much he enjoyed feeling the wind on his skin. At last, Brady had started to take note of his surroundings, noticing a few other students around him. Returning his gaze back to straight ahead of him, Brady let loose a yawn. It was still a little to early for him.