Helena put her brightness of her phone up and went to the camera section where she put on the front camera so she would use it as a mirror to check herself. Helena checked herself just incase if she had some kind of booger or something. It has happened to her before and she dosen't want it to happen in school, especially around the boys. She put her phone away looking towards Tom. He seemed to be a little uncomfortable and he seemed sweet. It seems that Tom here, is one of the 'geeky boys' but she had no problems with geeky people. Those are the people who go really far in life. Helena wouldn't call herself geek or anything, but she was smart. And she spoke. "Oh.. uhhh. My name is Helena, nice to meet you there." she nodded extending her left hand to shake hands with his, if he wanted to that is. "Oh. And Im a freshman as well. Im kinda nervous, because usually whenim new to a school. I either get laughed at or picked on. But that was in the past, I became more tou- Oooh. You dont care. Sorry." She rambeled but stopped waiting for the handshake.