I FUCKING TOLD YOU! This is me being smug! xD That all sounds like so much fun, I'm glad that you bonded with them!! Now you have a couple new friends and some great memories :) Hehe. Wow, I'm really happy for you! OMFG, yes I freaking did DX I cried, holy cow it was awful!! Oberyn was one of my favorites!! I know!! I'm so pumped XD I may have to wait a couple of weeks until exams are done with but after that I am binging so hard! XD Aha, we're gamers brah! ;D But yeah, no, I totally get that. Wondering if people have ever had their perspectives changed about me. I was literally just texting my friend Skylar about this and he told me that before he knew anything about me, he thought I was a snobby, preppy bitch (told you people thought that...) and that he was honestly shocked at how nice I was, aha. It really just goes to show you, don't to judge a book by it's cover! :) Sharks? Here in Canada we don't really have that problem... aha. Ooh, surfing sounds like fun!! I want to learn someday, too. There are a lot of things like that, that I would want to do! Would you ever go sky diving? That's so sad... But I think I kinda get what you mean. I know there are people who I won't ever talk to again after high school while there are others who I'll still talk to at an old age.. So I'm assuming that Simon and this girl will be together for ever then, eh? That's fucking adorable, I love people. Oh my goodness, imagine you, them and whoever you end up with like seventy years from now all old and cute xD Omg I love pen pals! I mean, especially if you've only met the other person briefly, if at all, and then you have a lot to talk about and it's really cool. Your pen pals seem so adorable, aha. That must be great! You met them while on your trip right? Ahaha, thanks (: And yes, it almost is!! My only exam this semester is on the nineteenth and then I just have to go pick up my report card and I'm done <3 <3 The only shitty thing is my exam is really hard, and it's math so I don't really know how to study for it DX Hey, no worries! Real life can be pretty distracting xD Aha