The world came to her all at once. It hadn't occurred to Morgan; the leaving the mansion in the wee hours of the morning, the sneaking out... Her mind had gone blank. There had been no draw, just... something telling her to simply [i]be[/i] here. Now as the paper lanterns illuminated the space around her, with her back to a romantic view of an almost Japanese-like landscape, her gaze turned curious, panicked, and utterly confused. After she looked around quickly, she soon discovered that she was indeed not alone. A few other children stood nearby, whom she turned to with her arms akimbo. "Okay!" She nearly shouted, her eyebrows furrowed into an unamused downward arrow. "What's the big idea?!" Her tone was, rightly so, accusatory. She suspected foul play but her childish mind did not comprehend that no child could have swayed her from her bed. Not that she minded being led into an open world, in fact she was itching to explore this pretty boat, but there was no way she'd let these other children think she was to be messed with. No way.