[Robert] The dragon was taking some abuse after attacking me with that dark bolt, both from Elena, and from some new guy who had Chance's sword.. who had cut a wing, resulting in a (somewhat hammy) roar of pain from the dragon. The new guy seemed to be... a sort of... um... black and red slime dragon? Honestly, if he hadn't attacked the enemy, I would have assumed he was in league with them, given that they both seemed to have just about the same colors... and so did the new guy. As Elena attacked the dragon with some sort of pressurized water attack, I noticed that the dragon seemed to be paying close attention, even if he was in pain. The dragon then surprised the both of us by attacking Chance, who was now using his talons to fight, with the same attack that Elena used, but dark. Oddly enough, it actually seemed to damage Chance, though, not all that much. [i]What the heck? Is he actually copying our attacks?[/i] I ask myself as I watch the attack unfold. It seemed as though he copied anything that was thrown at him, but two cases is hardly evidence. For all I knew, he could just so happen to know how to pull off those attacks... which just so happen to look like ours. Chance then did something I didn't expect him to, fire just seemed to form around him and he just charged into the phoenix, like some sort of madman. A few attacks that were thrown his way didn't seem to do anything as he continued his mad dash towards the enemy. One leaping uppercut later, the phoenix was down on the ground, obviously hurt, and now on fire. I then look over to the dragon just in time to see him forming a sort of dark fire around himself, and then charge towards me... heck, he even had the same smirk that Chance had on his face when he was using the attack. I, however, was ready, and flew up just in time to dodge... at least, so I thought. He stopped his attack where I used to be, and slid back a ways, only to turn around and fire that dark water jet attack at me from behind. I didn't see it coming, and, much like the phoenix, I was down on the ground. Why is it that Chance can use fire, but I can't seem to? Hm... maybe I can? I mean, after all, I am a dragon, right? --- [Tony] It seemed as though our golem took down the other golem, and the phoenix seemed to have the gryphon handled pretty well, which meant that now, I only had to focus on the dragon. [i]Okay, here I go... just me and this guy...[/i] I think as I sort of stare down the dragon for a bit. He was doing the same, and seemed to have an absolutely evil look in his eye while doing so. His red scales shined in the sun as he jumped towards me to attack, and I quickly put up another wall of stone... except... I had some sort of idea with this one. After a little bit, I sort of willed the wall to crack, and then break into a bunch of tiny shards, shards which I then had fly into the enemy. I thought I would be perfectly protected while I performed this makeshift attack, however, the dragon seemed to just run right through it and slash at my chest. He now had several rocks stuck in his scales, and below that, of course. Some of the rocks were now stained red thanks to the guy's blood, a testament to the fact that the attack actually worked, however, I wasn't able to move out of the way of his attack quickly enough, and ended up screaming in pain once that attack connected. I also ended up on my knees, gasping for breath from the attack. I did recover, but I don't think I should take another attack like that. The sick, twisted dragon who was my opponent smiled at that, apparently pleased that his attack did so much to me, it even almost seemed as if he was laughing at me for my failure to get out of the way.