She does, doesn't she ;) The 16-year-old who is wise beyond her years. Really?? I had absolutely no idea, did not see it coming at all, not one bit D: I mean, I do remember thinking, oh he won already that was fast and then...pop Dx Yeah, it would be just as bad. Oh man, I wonder if those two will die in the end too. Somehow, I think the Hound is about to die ;_; He's totally the type to die, right in front of Arya or something horrible like that. It does keep things interesting though, it's true. Vikings, eh? Ok I'll check it out! I was actually thinking the other day about how I wanted a new show to watch. Oh, totally random, but I forgot to tell you that at Busch Gardens, the whole park is divided into different countries and I'd forgotten there was a Canada section until we walked through it and it made me grin and think of my Canadian buddies x) Also there was a sign with information about Canada on it and it said that as a nation, Canada consumes the most macaroni and cheese in the entire world. Can you confirm this for me please. >D Relaaax, I wouldn't do something like that... heh. Jk, I hate spoilers too so I am anti-spoiler. Hm, what do I think people thought of me in high school? Well, I probably looked like a typical girl jock, I did wear sort of sporty clothes all the time and I was on the soccer team so yeah. My style has changed since then. I guess people thought I was friendly because I was ;) lol jk, I don't know. I don't think I came off as bitchy, but maybe a little smug. But here's a question: What would we think of each other if we were to randomly meet, not knowing it was the person we knew online x) How fast would it take us to figure it out or would we even be able to. I'm a little too judgmental too, though I think of myself as open-minded. As long as we recognize that we can be quick to judge though, and are able to change our minds about someone, that's good. Oh I see, I see x) Well here we keep an eye out for dark shapes in the surf that might want to take a bite D: xD Not so serious a threat that is stops us from getting in the water though. Jellyfish stings are 100x more likely. I'm a magnet for them apparently. I was 18 when I wentskydiving. I did it with my dad on the army base. The guy I was strapped to was a professional and we had a sort of class thing and signed some papers before we went up in the plane. Landing was really smooth for us, but my dad's landing was rough ahaha xD You should just do it!!! Oh, I really like what you said just now, about having multiple soul mates and not all of them are romantic or forever :O I like that. That's really interesting to think about, even though the not forever part seems really sad to me. What if two people are soul mates and they see each other all the time in class or at work but don't ever really interact with each other and never realize that they're soul mates? D: Or you could have some wonderful soul mate who lives across the world and speaks a different language. Yeah, I think I take for granted how diverse it is here, especially in a big East Coast city like Raleigh. Diverse in race, religion, politics, sexuality you name it. Having only one particular way of living would probably be very stifling in some respects. Maybe there are some perks like less crime since there is so much social pressure to behave, but there are also huge downsides, like higher rates of suicide because of the pressure to conform. Japan has the highest suicide rate, particularly young people. Exams make me anxious too. Luckily once I relax, I find that I know more than I thought I did, since I've been to class and the info has sunk in. Do you have any rituals to help you feel calm before an exam?