[s]*This is by no means finished, just depositing here for now, I did say [i]forty-eight[/i] hours. ;D And I have little notes to remind me of potential changes and to proof read.[/s] --- [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/tBgkETO.png[/IMG] [i]"Every living being dies someday; whether we are ready to die or not, that day will come surely."[/i] M a g d a l e n a A b e n d r o t h 3rd of February [b][x][/b] 1.57 cm [/center] [b]Appearance —[/b] [i]"ᵗʰᵒˢᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ˢᵐᶦᶫᵉ ᵒᶠᵗᵉᶰ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵒˢᵗ ᵗᵒ ʰᶦᵈᵉ"[/i] [url=http://i.imgur.com/YNiz770.jpg]﹡[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/Vw7TA2b.jpg]﹡[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/CRzVRrl.jpg]﹡[/url] [indent]Phenotypically composed of recessive genotypes of a Europeon ancestry compiled in the Eastern hemisphere; Magdalena was born of fairness and lack of saturation due to the small numerical of melanin in her hair follicles and her low efficiency of Vitamin D - this could now be related to her aversion of natural lights due to a sensitivity prone to bright eyes. Combine this with her slight skeletal structure foundation that illustrates a tiny body; fifty-four KG is by no means much. She poses a minuscule impression due to these short-comings and underestimated calculations, over looked for them often, over shadowed by most of her beloved peers when daunted by their sheer metric heights. Sometimes -in rare moments of subdued solitude- aristocratically prostrating an apathetic demeanor, Magdalena is witnessed with heavy lids and somber expressions that magnify against the cast of her wardrobe accosted entirely of ebony threads. These could be scripted as elongated sleeves and fitting cotton that drapes over the non-existent sensuality of her hips and their collars that droop off of thin shoulders either by their designated fashion or by her small musculature. Surprisingly it is her uniform that typically fits her best, accentuating that which Magdalena possesses and forming to reveal the hard work she has put forth into back-boning her usefulness into the WARG infrastructure. Surrounded in the euphoria of her beloveds, Magdalena appears much in differential comparison to her former self of soft eyes and heavy gazes, and very rarely will she dare don for more artistic apparels that are bold in colour: expect for red, the bright saturation in the varying balance of carmines is attractive to her. Thus she has a scarlet band, thick in diameter across the expanse of her wrist and holds tight to the joint without any indication of a clasp to remove the bright splotch of an accessory.[/indent] [b]Personality —[/b] [i]"ᵗʰᵉ ᵇʳᶦᵍʰᵗᵉˢᵗ ᵒᶠ ᶫᶦᵍʰᵗˢ ᶜᵃˢᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵈᵃʳᵏᵉˢᵗ ᵒᶠ ˢʰᵃᵈᵒʷˢ"[/i] [indent]To understand the complexities of Magdalena would acquire an impressive amount of time, suspended in her subconscious is a turbulent maelstrom of conflict and shadows forged beneath the light of those she adores. Projected outward in personal fronts, she is much different and concealing; often fixated on attempts to be jovial and supportive. It is only within their enclosed ranks and friendships, bonds concreted upon time and time again and founded on the death of one she desired, that she will smile genuinely, even if it's rather pathetic in cheer. She will laugh and sometimes cry with them, but it is those that smile often that forge the saccharine lies of their heart more so than those honest and forward in their allure. She is always visually graced with this small grin or a crinkle at the edges of her eyes when surrounded by these gems, and without them it is when the haze droops and smothers her. Now, Magdalena can be personalized as shy in the initial greeting, her silence and down cast glances broadcast that, but it's the inability to ever look anyone in the eye again - unable to fixate her clear, azure stare into the pigmentation alike or opposite of her own. Like a humanized Yin-Yang, Magdalena can be good like the light and bad like the dark and constantly alters between these two differences, something everyone is capable of naturally, but for Magdalena it is more pronounced by the infliction of her once impassioned heart and soul intertwined with her sins. There are rare snippets of when Magdalena comes alive; forgoing her stoic indifference and infliction to portray and broadcast a woman of pure ecstatic revelations, this is often induced by the twisting agony of physical pain. Capable of being labeled masochistic, it often hinders her capabilities of concentration when basking in these queer junctures of battle, but the pain means she is alive, it means she is aware of the here and now. In foresight, it may cost her more than she is willing to give, but the current tide of training and preparing her body for the ultimate tasks set out: she pushes herself beyond her physical limitations to feel alive. Magdalena often desires to make her heart burst alive into passionate conflagration rather than passing herself off as a fluke and fake, to stand up for things she believes in but cannot find voice to specify them. During combat she can easily let go and bring forth that which burns away inside with her darkest of shadows.[/indent] [b]Biography —[/b] [i]"ᶜʳʸᶦᶰᵍ ᵒᵘᵗ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᶰᵃᵐᵉ"[/i] [indent]Being compressed to the middle child often denies one of familial affection and being tiny doesn't often grant you the most attention in concerns to power, genetic prosperity and importance. But Magdalena wasn't bridled with angst typically because of her parents' oversight, she still loved them and with time they would come to love her just as well. In hindsight, her life was a standard story of long-withstanding desire to be seen and heard, for someone to listen to her plights as a child submerged in the uncontrollable tides of prepubescent alterations. Magdalena was quiet though in these times, her laughter and smiles were forcefully pulled from the heart that just wanted to love, wanted everything. But her severe lack of courage often hindered her in reaching out for these bright lights of life, thus tiny Magdalena allowed her soul to be swept up into darkness and shadow that should have not been cursed upon a mere eight year old child. She didn't weep over these dark days, she merely drifted in and out of a consciousness that to the public venue was just a youth merely bored with the quiet tranquility of a small community. And perhaps she was, the familiar homestead was often crowded with rambunctious siblings -capped at five, excluding her- that surged around her, being not only the median child but the singled out female was just an immediate isolation, and it was they who deserved the brightness and charismatic leadership of Samuel's grace, not her. But Magdalena was sought out by him, a small adolescent hand extended in the offerings of friendship and acceptance and a invitation to be brought affront into a world that was beautiful. And thus a small flame was lit in her heart and there it would burn for years to come, only to be snuffed out but once. But Magdalena often felt like something was missing in her now simplistic life, flitting to and fro about with Samuel and the numerous companions he brought about their rebellious play, he himself always delegated as their harbinger. It was when she witnessed a common place street brawl outside her home, the combatants consisting of her eldest sibling and a rather villainous youth out raging against his superiors. The image was embossed eternally within her cranium to be drawn upon later; flashing fists, intoxicating carmine upon pallid complexions and dermal lesions gaping wide in hungry mouths of ruby maladies. It awed her then, for some unknown lustful depravity, and thus she began participating in their usual rough activities: scraped knees were fun and scuffed cheeks made her laugh. She finally felt almost apart of her family and for the first time since she was but a babe, her parents embraced her, often to soothe her pain, to tend to their daughter now suddenly there. That's when the Calamity was upon them. Magdalena witnessed her brothers disperse, taken from her, she herself only favoured for gender specifics and her body type. Why send out the mouse when much bigger specimens were at hand. For a long time she hated herself for her mere image, she wanted to help, she wanted to cry out for her brothers not to go and for her father to return to her mother's side who wept and wept over their sudden loss. Her family was accosted from her, stolen, shredded by this horrid event that wasn't satisfied with just her kin, no, it also took away the only person she ever loved that wasn't apart of her blood-tied family. Magdalena allowed the diminutive flame to die within her breast during these days of war and pain, lingering out her days with her only remaining family, not living, not dying, just being. Time crawled in agony, it required her a long time to pry her eyes from her own tortures to remember her companions, Samuel was lost to her, to them, but they were still alive for a reason. A purpose. Magdalena's world shifted into darker shades of grey, but her will to live burned once again, maybe not as bright and favouring as the former, but still there. She enrolled into the academy to change herself, to become better, useful, to deny her doubts about becoming a soldier even when the shadows and darkness slunk after her and continued to fester somewhere deep inside. She knows she too will die one day, perhaps like Sam did, but not before she [i]lives[/i].[/indent] [b]Weapon —[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/zSD4pl2.jpg]﹡[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/IKEm5DV.jpg]﹡[/url] [indent][i]Chakrams:[/i] circular constructs composed of brass and furnished in obsidian of her usual preferment that imitates her shadowy wardrobe: each vary in size, aside from her initial selections which consist of one ring larger than the other; the biggest nearly half her diminutive height. These discs provide Magdalena a cataloged arsenal of attacks, a repertoire of ranged combat and some closed ranged preferences. These weapons are favoured by her for their light weight and easy placements upon her body, sometimes spun around various ligaments before launched in straight forward projections to make contact with her volatile opponents. It has taken harsh conditioning of her physical limitations and flexibility to use them effectively, almost graceful now in every execution performed with these bladed circlets. In her fixation of pain and want of it, she can separate her smallest chakram into separate blades -also if her bigger one his lost or lodged- and then spear forward to impale them into whoever is facing her euphoric wrath.[/indent] [b]Limit Break —[/b] [i]"ᶦˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵃ ᶠᶦᵉᶰᵈ ʷʰᶦᶜʰ ᶜʳᵃʷᶫᵉᵈ ᵒᵘᵗ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵃ ᶜʳᵉᵛᶦᶜᵉ﹖"[/i] [indent][i]C H A O S[/i] Her heart is consumed of Hell itself. Often a pure masochist desiring the most atrocious of tortures will consume themselves towards psychoanal desires, seeking out the most destructive means to induce the chemical imbalance in their deprived consciousness. Isolation tends to shatter the resolute soul that is purely accustomed to being surrounded by figurines of light and good, even with their dark shadows. To be alone hinders the spirit in ways that cripple the mind, to experience countless, unprecedented deaths will often rot the heart of hope and decay the soul of emotions. To be a child in the harsh struggles of war is to warp the adult beyond human recognition. She becomes the monster within herself. Magdalena, and those of the Academy that were delegated of superiority and leadership into its council of advisory, are not entirely positive what her power is, or what she is even. Though composed entirely human facilities, proven by various scans over her body to ensure the presence of vital organ tissue and marrow fused together in a complicated structure of cells, it is what she can bring forth from inside; beyond the human part of her that begets to a sort of hesitated inquiry of her dangerous out puts. Her Limit Break has only been used once, in a secured facility designated for testing the quantum capabilities of their various cadets, where she was required to impale a military issued tonfa blade through the musculature and skeletal structure of her very hand. The ensuing result affirmed their suspicions that whatever [i]Chaos[/i] is, it's purely sentient and thrives through Magdalena in destructive intentions. Brought on by infliction of agony or persecution, be this emotional or physical, will unleash her most rampageous force. Designated by her horrid scream of hellacious conflict: magma and her darkest of shadows pool from the very pores of her skin, raging out from her in torrents that are apparently withering deep beneath her dermal extremities. They conglomerate into a fractured shell, an obsidian armour that imitates an exoskeleton of hardened and rapidly cooled lava that, from the deepest depths, spews ash and shadowy forms of hell hounds that gape their maws to sing the darkest of calls to summon forth the attention of her enemies. Magdalena is supposedly unconscious during this primal stage, her shadows and flame acting accordingly to the whims of this last resorted to being of Hell. It attacks relentlessly whilst her body is helplessly suspended in a ashen cloud of her own pain, her lips moving rapidly in either prayer or command is unknown. It is heavily advised that Magdalena, if ever used in combat, does not reach her highest peak of pain and lament, to bring forth Chaos could potentially lay waste to her existence. Within the testing facility, after her chaos was suspended after a recorded five minutes, Magdalena was rendered without any indication of remaining life. Until after another recorded five minutes crawled on by, she drew breath in a scream and was delegated to isolation to assess her physiological damages. While the exact reports are even hidden from her own knowledge, it's rumoured that she doesn't remember anything from completely crippling that portion of the building with [i]its[/i] attacks. [/indent] [b]Spirits —[/b] [indent] [center]Maybe it's the passion that once lurked within her heart, or the flame that was lit long ago and struggles to burn at the wick of her soul everyday, whatever the circumstance be in regards to herself; Spirits of Fire are drawn to her. But these are not typical conflagrations of a riotous being; this is lava, pure, oozing, raw in the most chaotic forces of nature. Along with her darkest of demons, these spirits of inky pits and void like dimensions, they too are drawn to her. Often slick and sticking to her pores, like a film of shadow that pools and combines over her skin in continuous waves of swarthy apparitions. Magdalena has often speculated on this fact, but cannot fathom their reason and want of her. Whatever the circumstance, she has grown fond of them none the less, it makes her feel less guilty of her conflicted sins. Though they are quite numerous, only few have made their help and purposes known.[/center] [i]D R A G O N * T O N G U E[/i] Bearing true to the given epitaph: magma coils and pools around her stance in the desired configures she can imagine, brought from within herself -literally from her mouth- and desire to be heard perhaps. The torrent unleashes in a roar and creates a field of disastrous proportions. Once released from her circumference of ashen clouds, she can no longer control its directory and will do as lava will, travel and destroy all in its wake. The downfall is her inability to sway the released force, the Spirit bidden to do what it pleases. The second variation is much like the former: the magma spills from her lungs and lips, coiling down from her orifice in hellacious heat, only this time it's to be directly placed upon her opponent. Sometimes concentrated into, quite literally, lava spit. Her saliva can burn and scorch away whichever it touches. This Spirit is perceived to be more volatile in the need to be in close extremities. The downfall is that it often leaves Magdalena vulnerable to be struck and physically impaired in close range. More concentration is needed to form the proper amount of damaging liquid; larger the opponent, harder it is to quantify. [i]D R A G O N * T O U C H[/i] This is associated as being merely passive, Magdalena's skin is abnormally hot to the touch as if the lava truly lives inside her. This is actually the fiery spirits that cling to her person at a constant, bringing her temperature up beyond human means of normalcy. [i]D A R K * M E R G E R[/i] The darkness is her escape from reality, in which Magdalena can traverse among the cast shadows from objects and beings. Of course such forms much be present for it to perform correctly, but it's a rather effective evasive tactic and a route of escape. Often though she uses this ability to swarm in close at her assailants to strike them close, be it with her chakrams weapons or with the magma within. The darkness acts as her retreat from anything and everything, melding into welcome embraces of obsidian cores. Prying herself from these shadows though, as it glissades across her skin like ink, is a rather physical task that varies on how long she has maintained her connection within them. [i]E M P A T H Y[/i] This is not to say Magdalena is perceptive enough to depict the emotional turmoils of her peers, but that her shadow - darker than the norm and much more pronounced - will often touch and connect with anything that is alike to its own formation of darkness. This spirit, often misunderstood, has merged with Magdalena in such a way that it effects her obscurity directly. Often it will illustrate what she's truly feeling and refuses to project across her veneer - it will waver in fear, tremble in nervous qualms and dip, spin and weave around her in pure elation. This spirit of her shadow self is rather affectionate, sometimes slipping to and fro about her companions in greeting or playful intention. It's speculated that this is Magdalena's only way of "voicing" herself. The sentient shadow will often alert her to oncoming danger due to its sensitivity. [i]D E S P A I R[/i] The true woes of her soul have manifested with this Spirit, creating a last resort in her arsenal of potential damages. The darkness releases from her soul and body, reaching out in inky tendrils that cling and fasten to anything they touch. Almost akin to a poisonous sludge in the way it festers across the skin in contact, the darkness quite literally pulls her enemies into a void, covering them, suffocating them in her woe and anguish. This ability is brought from her worst fears and nightmares, coming alive from her doubts and memories and submerging her enemies and potential foes into torture and pain like her very own. [/indent]