[quote=Joegreenbeen] I'm curious. Do you think it would be okay to kill someone's character because you think that, for whatever reason, they may be doing something to kill or hurt the rp. That's probably better, in my opinion, than saying that you can't participate in my RP, because you do 'x' wrong. But then, it eliminates the possibility of you then asking them to pick up the slack, or whatever, and then they act reasonable. What do you guys think? [/quote] That's an easy way out and not one I really agree with. I understand that confrontation can be uncomfortable with people you're role playing with, but if you have a problem--especially as a GM--you need to voice it and figure out where the rest of the players stand on it. Telling someone that they're doing something wrong gives them a chance to fix it and grow as a role player. Everyone deserves that chance. However, not everyone takes it. If this person prefers to argue and act immaturely, then the GM has every right to kill the character and/or kick the player out of the RP. OOC conflict might make people uncomfortable, but it's sometimes necessary. And everyone involved can benefit from it in the long run.