[hider=Leo Octavius] [b]Name[/b]: Leonardo Octavius (He addresses himself as Leo) [b]Age[/b]: 13 [b]Ability/Magic[/b]: Healing touch. [b]Appearance [/b]: [img=https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSKsq4Wt8F9MaRw05_idfymD8Iw4v4Q1uiCEzAVGjv_Qy9j6hLvtA] [b]Personality[/b]: Leo is very hyperactive. He is always doing something with his hands, or shaking his leg or something. Although he has a lot of pent up energy, he doesn't talk much. Because of the amount of energy he has, he is very athletic. [b]Backstory[/b]: Leo's parents always knew Leo had magical power since he was a child. When Leo was born his hand were glowing light blue, and the doctor who was handling him felt the healing energy flowing through him. When Leo grew older he was more and more energetic. His parents thought it was because of his magic, always refueling his energy as he burned it off. Leo was terrible in a classroom because of his nature, and because of that his parents went searching for a place where he could focus. No normal shcool worked for Leo because he would always be tapping really loudly, or fidgeting to much. They found a school for magic users, and enrolled him immediately. Ever since then he's been attending school at MA. The teachers know his behavior and why he does it, so they know how to control him and calm him down most days. [/hider]