Aeris had noticed how quickly people had left the room after the incident with the hornets nest. Now she was one of the few non-guards within the room. She glanced around one last time as if she were looking for something she missed and rose from the bench she sat on. She needed food. She hadn't eaten much at all today. From here she made her way to the cafeteria. She noticed that several of the guards followed her at a distance as she made her way to there. She hated being followed, but there wasn't much she could do about it here. There weren't many people in here either. There was however, a small line to where people were getting food. She made her way to the line and waited. It didn't take long for her to make it to the food and she got a single plate of slop and some stale bread plopped onto her plate. Not much better than the food she had delivered to her while she was still feral. She was unhappy with the fact that she lost control of herself so badly, but what was done couldn't be changed, so she simply accepted it and moved on. She found herself a seat all alone. She noticed most of the prisoners here were sitting alone too. That was probably to prevent incidents like what happened earlier. The food wasn't that good, but it was edible. She was fairly used to eating bad food as it was part of her training at school, although they did at least reward their students with a good meal every week. Here that wasn't the case, but here wasn't school.