[b]Name:[/b](Centurion) Alectus [b]Factions/Reputation:[/b] -[u]Brotherhood of Steel:[/u] Shunned, while not on a personal level, anyone who could trace back to the Warden Clan will have a bad reputation with the Brotherhood. -[u]Caesar's Legion:[/u] Liked, Alectus has a long and successful career with the Legion, and is well known in some circles. -[u]NCR:[/u] Hated, Alectus is an Identified Legionary and is known by appearance to the leadership of the NCR and some common soldiers. [b]Hometown:[/b] Born in the Rocky Mountains, currently living somewhere South-East of New Vegas. [hider=Appearance][img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs10/i/2006/097/4/4/AFF___Imperial_Mercenary_by_Knightwatch.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]SPECIAL:[/b] Strength-5 Perception-3 Endurance-4 Charisma-8 Intelligence-6 Agility-4 Luck- 8 [b]Tag Skills:[/b] -Barter -Sneak -Speech [b]Starting Perks:[/b] -Commando --Despite the typical Legion training favoring melee weapons, Alectus has a natural talent with his carbine. -Ferocious Loyalty --Alectus has a way with his men, he knows how the strength of his unit will reflect upon his own strength. His men are very loyal, almost zealous. -Terrifying Presence. --Because of his decorated armor, his confidence in speaking, and his normal entourage of Legionaries, Allectus has the ability to either cull violence before it happens or send enemies fleeing. Most also think twice about betraying him. [b]Starting Weapons:[/b] -Machete Gladius -Marksman Carbine [b]Starting Armor/Clothing:[/b] -Alectus's Centurion Armor. --Because of his upbringing, Alectus has been able to add a few pieces of power armor to his own defense, mostly the pauldrons and a neck-guard. But because of his smaller frame, Alectus's armor is more composed of leather and flashier materials. He will actually go out of his way to find the most uniquely dressed person in a battle just so he can claim their outfit. The armor features a stylized Bull emblem on the chest and pauldrons. Any armored or hard surface is painted white with red cloth underneath. A large white and red silken scarf wrapped around his neck and around his waist, ending over his shoulder. -Centurion Helmet --A particularly ornamental helmet with adorned with Hawk feathers and a white cloth covering the face. [b]History:[/b] Operating out of the Southern Rockies, the Wardens clan gained a formidable reputation. Rather than raid the settlements dotting the area, the Wardens offered protection in return for tributes of food and the occasional wife. The clan was strong in a fight, but it was their capacity to outsmart their enemies that earned them a reputation, they were even known to regularly hit Brotherhood of Steel convoys and kept them from gaining influence in the region. The belief held by the Wardens was that humanity lost it's unity, leading to the Great War, by forming together, humanity would become closer to ascension. Naturally, when rumors abounded of the Legion to the South, the Wardens moved to meet them, hoping to test them. Posed in an ambush, when scouts returned to the Wardens telling tale of the Legion, the Wardens instead submitted to Caesar. This is where Alectus's story begins: Alectus was only a child when the tribe was absorbed, but he was still old enough to fight and retains more of the Warden training than most of the children recruited that day, just young enough to meet the limits for the Legionary training. He understood the system of rank within the Legion and started his career as an officer rather quickly thanks to his way with words. He would travel quite a bit, from one post to another, meeting important people and taking one or two loyal people with him every time he changed postings. He eventually reached Centurion and was given a large command outside of Salt Lake City which was expertly lead. Now, with quite the reputation, Alectus still seeks more. He got himself command of a raiding band to be used in the war against the NCR, and using some owed favors, composed it almost entirely of Legionaries he had met over his career, giving him a group that is possibly more loyal to him than Caesar himself. [b]Personality:[/b] Alectus loves the ideals of the Legion, he believes order is preferable to freedom, its the reason he was able to integrate so well, However, Alectus harbors a disgust for most tribal traditions, and looks down upon those who attempt to maintain their old culture in or out of the Legion. He believes that structure is the key to survival, and he might be more willing to bring people to his cause rather than simply attack them. As far as his career in the Legion, Alectus continues to impress his superiors with his leadership and efficient management of postings. To Alectus, nothing is more important that his reputation, he wants power, he wants everything he can get, what he wants to do with this power, even Alectus is unsure. He is a man with a silver tongue who judges people as soon as he meets them, if he can't overpower you with strength, he will use words. But don't be fooled, if Alectus no longer has a use for you, he will discard you, he will go back on his word.