[center]The election will be held as a single-elimination tournament. Matching were determined randomly. [url=http://challonge.com/spampopularitycontest] [B][U]WHEN YOU VOTE IN A ROUND, POST IN THAT ROUND'S THREAD THAT YOU'VE VOTED[/U][/B][/center] --- [center][U][b]ROUND 1[/B][/U] A - DRAKEL vs NAT - [b]WINNER: NAT[/B] B - MAHZ vs GUILD MODS - [B]WINNER: GUILD MODS[/B] C - GAT vs GURU'S ALT - [B]WINNER: GURU'S ALT[/B][/center] --- [center][U][b]ROUND 2[/B][/U] D- JOEGREENBEAN vs NAT -[B]WINNER: NAT[/B] E - GOLDMARBLE vs RAXACORICOFALLAPATORIUS - [B]WINNER: GOLDMARBLE[/B] F - NARUTO vs GUILD MODS - [B]WINNER:GUILD MODS[/B] G -LOLSORASGAY vs GURU'S ALT - [B]WINNER: LOLSORASGAY[/B][/center] --- [center][U][B]SEMIFINALS[/B][/U] H - NAT VS GOLDMARBLE I - GUILD MODS VS LOLSORAS GAY --- [U][B]FINAL ROUND[/B][/U] WINNER OF H vs WINNER OF I[/center] --- [center]You may only vote once. If I see people voting multiple times I'll delete the extra ones randomly until there's one left.. Candidates: PM me your votes please, so people aren't voting in your name or w/e And please post in this thread saying you've voted! [B]I repeat, you need to post in this thread that you've voted in order for the vote to counted[/b] [b][u]AGAIN, POST HERE ONCE YOU'VE VOTED SAYING THAT YOU'VE VOTED[/U][/B] Voting or round 2: [url=https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NHH75FX] I'll be polling until 00:00 Sunday (-6:00 UTC) [/center]