"Sure, who am I to judge your father." he said this in almost a defeated voice. "I would suggest not to push your father too much though, compromise with him." Saying these things pained the man. But he couldn't have her walk straight into the fire... The moment she proves to her father that she couldn't be his pawn he had no doubt that he would rid himself of her. Even replace her... However, he was her father... there had to be some amount of parental love right? He could be persuaded to compromise. Ave could find a reasonable mage... that her father would approve of... this thought caused his to cringe. So much so he looked away so Ava wouldn't take notice. He began to miss the closeness they once shared... But he could recall her betrayal as well. She was a mage. His masters daughter. He was naught but some valuable piece of property and guard dog. He quickly moved forward. Back to the estate. Back to his master... back to his cage. As much as he was scared of that place, as much as he hated it... he felt that running was risky... to risky. He could lose more than just his life now. He could lose Ava. "Hurry up Miss. We can't be late, it could sour your father's mood."