Elena saw the dragon was going and actually attacking Robert and the gang with copy attacks from everyone. How was he even doing that? It was bad.... if he could use the same attack as them.... She suddenly had a small idea, and then rushed forwards to the dragon, before suddenly letting out a rather large black out from dark magic, and then moving to the side, and kicking the dragon... which did not do that much damage, as the dragon looked at her annoyed and then grabbed her leg. She suddenly let out a jet of water at his face and backs away quickly. Well... seems even with this transformation, she was not that strong physically. This was embarassing to say the least. She then saw the dragon letting out a large dark water attack towards her, only for her to concentrate and then move the water and the dark energy around, and sending it straight back at the dragon. She then landed, ready to continue to fight, hoping that the group could bring the dragon down... cause she could not contiune forever.