Colette Colette grumbled when she saw the same type of demons as well as new ones standing at the entrance of the dining hall. [i]'This is so not my day first I have to fight humans off when I was still over at my old home now these...whatever the hell you call these damn things'[/i] she grumbled in her head before preparing to fight, the sword that she got from the last fight still in her hand. The bat on her shoulder screeched and flew off her shoulder preparing to fight making her smile showing a fang. "Well no use complaining about it now lets get going if we want to make it inside the dining hall" she told her ally before running towards her enemy with swift feet regardless of the fact she was wearing high heeled boots and managed to get one the enemies's attention on her as her bat went after another. She fought it hard with her fellow and was tossed in a wall making her yelp as she felt her wing on her back fold in ways it wasn't suppose to bend. "D damn it" she said as she stood up panting from the pain she just endured from the collision. She ran back at her enemy with the sword and managed to stab it in the head. It fell to the ground and she looked at her bat ally who was already on another enemy. [i]'How many things are there[/i] she thought running towards the enemy putting her guard up. She could feel her back was bleeding but she ignored her wound to fight back. [i]'No matter how many there are I will fight until these things are gone'[/i] she thought as she started another fight with her new opponent