[b]Floyd - House - Jess/Abram[/b] When he fell unconscious everything had turned to black. Not a single image popped in his head between his sudden sleep and his foreshadowed stir. There were no dreams, no nightmares that helped him pass time. But do not underestimate the pain the redneck was in. Regardless the lack of tainted conception, his physic was still being stirred by an outside force, in this case, a stranger named Abram. In his sleep he could hear his own grunts echoing through the empty void in his mind. The pain was mesmerizing, but he held himself composed for the sake of the girl and her unborn child. He pushed himself to fight the growing pain and allow it to diminish as he was being treated. Outside of his helpless mind, Abram used medical supplies found in his truck to close the wound and prevent further bleeding. The pain Floyd felt at that moment was Abram's fingers twiddling around his vulnerable skin. It was like twenty needles slowly piercing the outer layer of his dermis. At that exact moment his mind became clouded. He wasn't thinking straight and could only hear his own helpless screams. He called out to his beloved, but heard nothing in return. He called out again and the response was exactly the same............nothing. That's when he could see the outline of his body walking down a path. The path, like the rest of his clouded mind, was an effigy of darkness. The outline was white, exploding a straight path towards yet another outline. Once Floyd's conscious got there, he started to hear his name being called over and over. As he paid attention to the figure before him, he noticed the noise was coming from it. Floyd tried to speak, but nothing seemed to come out. "Floyd?" he heard yet again, the figure before him standing to become a large man. The man faced away from Floyd, but as it turned it transformed into a serpent that shot itself out to strike.It's venomous fangs came two inches from Floyd before the redneck woke. Floyd's eyes opened widely as he sprung upward with a heavy breath. He looked side to side like a maniac who was lost in some kind of parallel universe. He then turned to his right to find Jess beside him. He wanted to hug her but as he moved towards her shoulders, his wound caused him to spring back into the couch. Once he realized he'd return, he started to breath normally again, stabilizing his heartbeat as he moved his hand to grasp hers. He looked at their united hands and started to play with her fingers a little. "Did [i]he[/i] do this?" he asked her, wondering if it was the stranger who stitched him back up. Even though it was obvious, he still wanted an answer. "He didn't hurt you or anythin did he?" he added to his question. He felt as though once again he put them in this bad situation. He felt as though he had been too weak in a time where strength was necessary. He wanted to apologize but knew she didn't want to hear it. He couldn't even bring himself to look into her eyes because he feared resentment. He didn't even want to know how long he was out because he feared what had happened in the meantime. Still he didn't trust the stranger, regardless his aid. Since his belief was that there were no good people out in the world, he trusted nobody. The only exception was the people that trusted him, which right now was only Jess. Their relationship was more complicated. Floyd then turned away from their hands and looked for the man to find him in the other room. He didn't say anything, just stared for a while before returning his attention to Jess. "Did ya eat? Don't go without eatin, it's not good for you nor the kid" Floyd worried. He wasn't sure how long she'd been by his side, but knew she was a little hardheaded. Even though [i]he[/i] was the one that needed to be worried for, he was more concerned with Jess' health rather than his own.