I watched the first episode of Vikings earlier today! It was really good and I'm like uh oh, now I'm going to want to bing through [i]two[/i] shows, Vikings and OITNB xD What have you done?? xD Everyone is really hot in that show. At first I was like aw look at those brothers, what a team, and then the other one was all over Ragnar's wife D< And I was like hell yeah girl when she owned those two creeps x) She should have told Ragnar though, I don't know why she didn't. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen to his family though :( But don't tell me! jk I know you wouldn't. So it IS true!! ahahaha xD Why don't we stereotype Canadians more often as cheese lovers?? No worries, I'll try to start the trend. Yeah macaroni and cheese is an international thing I think, but you guys are just winning at it xD Lol, I've been to Disney Epcot too and can picture the Canadian section. I remember the totem pole. And the mini Niagara Falls area. The Canadian section in Busch Gardens was also "rustic" with log cabins and stuff, very frontier-like. But so was the America section, they were both "colonial" since both our countries are really young compared to all the European ones. The Canada section had stuff like a giant maple leaf sign made out of apples, an eatery called Trappers Smokehouse, logs, signs about your collective obsession with cheese, and a water ride that is saw mill themed and was really fun. Oh and some signs in French and one that said New France. Speaking of the Epcot countries though, the USA section is so boooorriing xD I liked Japan and Mexico the best! Makes you contemplate your life ahaha xD Good! I like those questions. Yeah I guess we would figure it out eventually, huh. That would be so weird xD Lol, yeah me too. Somehow I can handle the threat of jellyfish and the minor threat of sharks (in Florida, mom wouldn't let us swim in the ocean in the evenings because that's when sharks are more active lol xD), but I would never go swimming at the beach in like Australia, with all the weird, poisonous creepy crawlers they have there. [i]Their[/i] jellyfish will totally kill you D: But maybe if you throw yourself out of an airplane, you will overcome your fear of falling!! xD Or you could always have someone sort of nudge you out of the plane if you can't make yourself jump and skip that unpleasant part altogether xD People who float in and out of your life and help shape you as a person - that really resonates with me. I always feel like I've lost something or thrown something away when I think "I don't talk to so-and-so anymore, she's not really in my life anymore" and it makes me sad, but you're right, at least we have the chance to get to know those people, and that's worth something. It's not a waste just because they aren't a permanent fixture in your life, right? I don't need to think "what was the point of becoming attached if they're gone now." There's probably different degrees of soul mates? Like, some more intense than others? What if you never find one? Sorry I don't expect for you to whip out magic answers to those questions or anything, I'm just thinking out loud x) Yeah there really is so much pressure over there :( I can't even imagine it. Weirdly, it sometimes seems that there is a lot of pressure here in the US to be as individual as possible x) Kind of ironic. Omg, that's terrifying!! D: Stay inside! Reminds me of when the city of Boston was on lock down when we had that bombing. Jeez I hope they catch him soon. Haha xD Yeah, pretty much how I felt during a math test too lol. Awwwwww hanging out and making out, that's so cute XD Have fun!