Yeah, Kanitah's whips were just finished off when he heard the sound of wind rushing over the top of the hole he had created previously. Curious, Kanitah looked up to spot the light mist of cold condensation falling down into the pit. It seemed that his icey new companion was still quite alive. Odd, he had thought Khold somewhat of a meek sort, judging by his immediate reaction earlier to flee from the scene of the battle. Not his problem, however, he has no reason to fight Khold. In fact, he hoped that Khold would call him friend at some point in time. Most reasonably, after the fighting was over, as words seem to fall on deaf ears in this world. And likely all others. Why was that? His mind wandered for a moment as he stood himself up, finishing the knot around his palms and wrists. Safely securing the webbing in his hands. It's something odd that he's actually noticed here. Fury isn't reacting to stimuli like a normal man would. Insults on his person seem to fall flat, as though he either didn't understand them. Or they meant little to him. Maybe he was just some battle hardened war chieftain of some civilization of cruel and reasonably war like folk. What if he's like, a zombie? You know, the undead? Yeah, that would make a bit more sense. These thoughts came to his head as he began scaling the walls, digging his metallic fingers into the stone and petrified gunk he clawed his way vertically. The thoughts persisted, like the thoughts you have before falling asleep, these sort of bugged at the back of his head. Like, why in the world was Fury so odd? His behavior doesn't seem to indicate that of a man who cares about his own survival, rather that of a man who just wants to win. The zombie thought came to his head. What if there's like a mental defection that's in his head that's driving him crazy? Could I be the asshole here? Am I beating on a mental defunct? That'd be terrible, I'd feel like such a monster. Inside of the old Pundambayan's head he started feeling so bad in an almost comical fashion. Just before he reached the peak the cold touched what remained of his skin, chilling his spine to his feet. As he entered the gap, the cold air around Khold blew against what remained of his head hair. For some reason his beard was wholly intact, like, there had been no attempts to actually punch him in the jaw. That was actually another thing that brought him back to his previous thoughts. Is Fury just fighting because he's scared or something? Is this guy a mental toddler? Oh sweet biscuits, what kind of monster am I? He hoisted himself up through the gap again, standing up straight and looking upwards into Khold's eyes. Taking a deep breath he held up the nine foot long pair of twin whips. "Hey. I made these things." Waving them a bit to get the tip of them closer to Khold's feet. "Can you make them better?" (Improvised Weapons completed.)