I had an RP idea that I like the sound of, mind you it is ripping off the book and movie the Borrowers as well as the movie that was based on the Borrowers, the Secret World of Arietty. The participants would play as tiny people also called Borrowers. As Borrowers we would be living in the walls and yard of a family's house. We would have to be creative to make our way through the house safely and discreetly and do things to make our lives easier like building a miniature hang glider to fly or making grappling hooks to climb walls. The house it would take place in would be a simple two story house. Three bedrooms, Two bathrooms, the kitchen, living room and dining room along with a basement and an attic. In the back yard they would have a simple patio, a shed, a tree with a small tree house, a birdhouse and a beehive in it and a vegetable garden. The rest of the yard would be just grass, some small mushrooms and weeds. The front yard would just have a porch, a flower patch and a tree. Life as a Borrower would be no picnic. Around the house and yard there would be mice, rats, spiders, roaches, bees, ants, crickets, birds, squirrels, a cat, a dog, etc. The Borrowers that live in the back or front yard are considered wild by those that live indoors and rather than borrowing what they need from humans they hunt insects for food and make their clothes from plants and the hair of animals (like mice or squirrels) that they hunt annually as a kind of community ritual and they frequently use insect exoskeletons as armor during these hunts. Anybody interested?