[b]Much to Ava's embarrassment, Andreios quickened the pace of the trip back home after her speech about marrying for love. She had hoped, in some way, Andreios would have considered her statements as uplifting or a very loose invitation for some sort of romantic relationship, but he just seemed to be bothered by the subject, so much so that he didn't want to be alone with her anymore. Defeated, Ava nodded at Andreios' brisk command to hurry, supposing he was right after all. It wouldn't do to anger her father when she wanted him to be more malleable in the subject of marriage. Once inside the walls of the Wenham Castle, Ava followed after Andreios to the stables, relieved to feel the warmth inside. She trembled a little as the feeling came back to her fingers & toes, the stable hands already preparing to secure the horses. When it came time for Ava to climb from her horse, Ava pretended to be a little wobbly, a harmless baiting trick her mother suggested back at the cabin. Successfully, Ava was able to acquire help from Andreios to get off of her horse, her fingers lightly clutching to his shoulders. When Ava's feet touched the ground, she came face to face with a lovely gem that hung from Andreios' neck, the same color of his eyes. Ava knew she'd never laid her eyes on it before, but for some reason, the trinket looked so... familiar. She could almost imagine the way it felt under her skin, like she held it once. Entranced, Ava slowly reached up to touch the pendant lightly. She could feel an odd power from it, a power similar to what she felt when she would cast magic spells. "Master Andreios, where did you get-" "Ava!" Jason Wenham called from the stable entrance, knocking the woman back into reality. Immediately, Ava released Andreios' pendant & turned beet red. What was she doing, putting her hands on him like some common trollop? Her curiosity was going to make this man think she had loose morals! Diverting her gaze, Ava turned back to the exit of the horse stall. "P-please excuse me," she told Andreios before heading off in the direction of her father's voice. After inviting the young woman to dinner, her led her from the stables & back to the castle, giving Andreios the motion to follow after them.[/b]