As already the furthest person from the pod who was still [i]around[/i] the pod, Honoria cheerfully ignored the order to set up a perimeter and kept working on hacking the collapsed tree to more manageable pieces. She noted with interest that the guardsman girl had gone to wake the psyker, but he'd rebounded with remarkable alacrity for one unconscious less than a minute before. Then a mutant just [i]had[/i] to interrupt her work. Annoying pest. Sadly, the white-haired tech-priest couldn't get the axe out in time to rip the thing in two... and that left but one option for killing the thing. Well, one option that wasn't to take a surgical chainsaw to its throat, wherever that might be under this... fatty, lumpy [i]mess[/i]. The smell of burning flesh joined the unpleasant atmosphere, as electricity arced through a mechadendrite claw and into one terribly unfortunate mutant. It collapsed to the floor, twitching for a brief period, as Honoria finally finished cutting through the log and freed the axe. It looked like pest control would be taking priority...