Wednesday was grocery day for the Smiths. Not that they needed much to last a week as their house remained vacant for most of every day. Even so, Hitashi headed straight to the store for the usual instant noodles and some ground beef. As usual, the odd pedestrian or two would hesitate and stare at him as he passed by, bewildered by his ginger hair. One would think they would be a little more used to it by now, but Hitashi never really cared or even took notice. The only thing ever on his mind on wednesday afternoons was the journey to and from the store. The door slid open and Hitashi entered the small convenience store. He quickly gathered up the week's supply of beef and noodles and reached the counter where the same old man has served him for the past 4 years. Before then, Hitashi went to a much larger store until they banned him from rummaging through another customer's bags during checkout. He didn't mean anything by it, just curious was all. "Ah, welcome back Mr. Smith! I don't suppose I can interest you in some eel or rice? We also have some fresh baked bread if you're interested." The old man didn't expect an answer as he was used to the boy's silence and just watched as Hitashi placed down exact change for the food on the counter. "Well, come back again. And take care!" And with that, the door slid open and Hitashi stepped out on his way home. He made it about half way before he noticed a girl and a cat crossed his path. His curiosity normally would've gotten the better of him, but he was still focused on returning back home with the groceries. This did, however open his eyes more to the world around him for the time being. So much so, that he became focused on the way some bullies were picking on another kid about his own age. This really did pique his interest. He didn't really care what happened to the boy, but the fact that they were against the kid three to one made it interesting. Getting comfortable, Hitashi simply dropped his bags, making them crash into the concrete below. This startled the three bullies and they turned, guarded and fists drawn. This was all Hitashi needed. As soon as the challenge for a fight appeared, He was fully focused and ready to strike. A mere second latter, Hitiashi's right-hand fist went slamming into the middle bully's forehead, knocking him out cold and leaving a nasty bruise. This put the other two a bit astonished causing them both to flail wildly into Hitashi. Hitashi immediately hid his face in his arms, blocking most of the important shots to his face. Other powerful shots did manage to hit other places such as his guts, ribs, and back causing bruises to appear almost instantaneously. Hitashi retaliates by kicking one guy in the stomach and with a loud crack, he could tell he hurt the guy's ribs. Probably not broken, but hurt none the less. The last guy obviously heard it too as he disappeared down the road, screaming.