Daniel perked at the voice, he glanced around and stared at the reptile-like man in interest he'd reach out to touch him but decided that a bad idea. As soon as the order 'Follow me' passed him he almost laughed giddily at the idea of getting off the boat which, looking at it now, made him feel a sickly gurgle in his stomach. He turned away and flinched as soon as "death" was mentioned. This [i]holiday[/i] of sorts was a poor one at best [i][b]Definitely one star or less...[/b][/i] he thought angrily, though distracted by the light that came into sight. He stared at the tall building. Was that there before or did he only notice this now? It felt impossible to have not known its existence, which was so bold and bright that the thought of it felt wrong. He attempted to imagine this place as home but imagining the tall bright building on his street made him sick, he stopped. Once the glare of lights had dimmed and his eyes adjusted he noticed the style of the building. It looked traditional and formal and he scowled. Whatever twisted dream he was experiencing he refused to change the way he acts for this silly palace of a building. He glanced over his shoulder and stared at the boat, his mouth hung open comically and as the boat lurched forward he fell back and gripped the wood tightly. He hung himself over the edge of the boat and stared at the water but as soon as he heard the voice he sat up quickly. Daniel listened intensely to the instructions as the thought of a "game over" in a dream made him sick. He thought it weird at being addressed as "human" which implied the man talking was not though that was clear that he was certainly [b]not[/b] human. He stared awe-struck at the man and muttered "Master Yoru" under his breath to make it stick in his memory. He was about to open his mouth to ask a question but was rudely cut off by his instruction to -not- ask any questions. He slunk back down into his seat, slouching. He got thrown forward as the boat came to a halt and he stood quickly, being rather tall he bends over the head of the person in front to counter balance the in coming fall but managed to avoid slamming into whoever was ahead of him. As Master Yoru extended his hand out for Daniel he stared at it then at the water then takes it, as soon as his bare feet touch the floor his pulled his hand quickly. Equally disgusted at the frog-man. Daniel hurried into the centre of the group and flashed a smile at [b]Tori[/b] as she'd answered him however he'd not gotten a chance to reply to her. He seemed to keep up decently with him already being pretty tall and had larger strides anyways. At one time when Yoru had glared at the group he flashed a mischievous grin and poked his tongue out mockingly however this was to lighten up his own mood and possibly the dead-quiet children around him. [i]Children...[/i] he thought [i]That's all they are[/i] he frowned pitifully at the younger children then glared ahead though now he was tensed, ready to leap and protect them from the 'guests' that threatened to hurt them. He adjusted to the inside after the wall of noise hit him and stared at a few people who ran by, their frog-like appearance didn't surprise him but he certainly did think it strange that almost all resembled frog-like status. The foods however did. Somehow he'd thought they wouldn't eat real food and near-expected fried flies or something ridiculous. He stared at the working women thinking their work was near too hard however the grime that was to their sides looked like all the work was needed. He shuddered and then glanced to the ornate-dressed chubby women, he noticed their ever-so-slightly low-cut outfits then averted his eyes. The idea of frog-women with dot-eyebrows did not appeal to him and he gagged to himself. Daniel stopped at the silence and then hurried to the group again and stared at the people challengingly then he put an arm in front of the nearest younger child defensively. He watched as everyone returned to work as soon as the "big tub" was mentioned and shrugged. As long as they weren't bothering him or -anyone else- in his small group he hardly minded. He hurried closer to the frog-man glancing around protectively and glaring at anyone who dared meet his eye, though as soon as they looked away he shuddered. He'd thought the palace looked big from the outside but if the TARDIS was the size of a planet inside then this must have been a galaxy. He watched as they'd passed the baths, intrigued as the pink-clad women worked. He watched as water flooded into one tub and a herbal smell filled his nose. Unfamiliar with herbal scents he just recognises this as [i]planty[/i] smell. Daniel waited until everyone else was inside the lift until he got in himself, stretching his arms out across the children protectively whilst glaring challengingly at the frog-man's pony-tail throughout the time the lift trudged upwards. Whether his acts of protection was going noticed he didn't know nor did he care. He would continue until he knew they were safe. He listened to the instructions and, despite his mischievous attitude, he decided he did -NOT- want to get punished severely. He stepped outside the lift and stared at the children, though he was near the same age and opened his mouth as if to say something then glared at Frog-man. His orders stuck in his mind and Daniel didn't -FEEL- like getting murdered today so he kept his mouth shut. He still remained tense though and glanced around for any sense of danger.