I once tried to do an RP here for a zombie apocalypse story, but it didn't succeed. I was wanting to try it again. I was thinking I'd try something along the lines of a combination between The Walking Dead, Portal, and Bioshock. Robots, Energy Weapons, Cybernetics (though they don't work as well as you'd think), and Genetic Engineering all coexist in this world. My idea would be that our heroes in trapped in a city that's been taken over by ZOMBIES!!! They decide to team up and survive together by going out in the daytime, collecting goodies they need to live, and then hiding back in their little safehouse at night, when zombies are most active. There'd also be a few underground laboratories filled with awesome SCIENCE STUFF! Which might be helpful for us. Also, some ideas I have for how our characters and their previous occupations: O. Job = Skills = Equipment 1. Athlete = Heavy Lifting, Fighting Zombies, Destroying Enemy Barricades = Sports Gear, Fisticuffs, really any melee weapon would work... 2. Medic = Healing People, Finding a Cure = Medical Equipment (Medi-Gun?), Scalpels 3. Criminal/Burglar = Breaking and Entering (Scavenging?) = Switchblades, Firearms, Crowbars, ect. 4. Construction Worker/Mechanic/Hardware guy = Building, fixing, and deploying nice things = Construction tools, Traps 5. Police = Security, fighting zombies = Firearms, Clubs, Energy Weapons 6. Scientist = Getting electronics to work/hacking = Energy Weapons, Hack Tools, Combat Drones 7. Child = Getting into small places, are less of a target for raiders (even they have standards), tend to get better deals when trading with people = 'toy' weapons that aren't very useful 8. Farmer = Growing Food = Farming Equipment 10. Hunter = Finding Food = Bow, Cool pets 11. Taxi Driver/Trucker/Race Car driver/whatever = Driving, of course. Could save us time getting from place to place. Or we might need to, in the words of Crush 40, escape from the city = Cool vehicle 12. Collector = Finding good things = Medieval weapons and such 13. White Collar Worker = Getting great deals on trades = Office supplies, Briefcase 14. Prospector/Miner = Destroying unwanted (read: Enemy owned) barricades and structures = Mining equipment, explosives 15. Fire Fighter = Putting out fires, actually being competent at saving people, finding survivors = Fire extinguisher, Water spraying devices, Axes Would this idea interest anybody?