Sera watched the two make some small talk before he continued staring at his drink. He felt rather pathetic. He imagined some scenario where he was this extremely lively and outgoing person--but somehow, his creativity started to run low as he adventured into what might the conversations be. [i]I'm not much of a conversationalist[/i]. Although, he could be quite witty. His mother did not approve of him being so low and hard on himself, but he could not help but [i]feel[/i] she and her heavy handed parenting had something to do with it. Then, again... According to the Russian Orthodox Church, the personality was attached to the soul. Some people's personalities are nurtured more than others. Maybe his personality was never nurtured. [i]Pop[/i], the bubble in the drink snapped. It caught him in the face. He was not even drunk, and he still managed to get a bit of drink on him. Perhaps, if his face weren't so mesmerized but the glass. [i]God, I'm an idiot,[/i] Sera said to himself. He looked back at the two conversing, and then back at his drink. [i]If I wanted to make things awkward, I could look at them all day long. Please, don't do that, Seraphim. Not today.[/i]