By the time Gaius had rended the first mutant with his power maul, several others had emerged from the bushes. Grav had lunged into them and was smashing them apart, no longer relying on his weapon. Gaius continued to back toward the camp, keeping his shield up and facing toward the bushes. Another mutant came at him with a sharp, jagged stick, which snapped on his shield. Gaius retaliated with a swipe of his maul, taking the thing's head from it's shoulders. Still more kept coming, with Gaius' shield and maul deflecting and counter-striking respectively. However, even with the Ogryn and the Proctor, some of the mutants were getting past, and into the makeshift crash site/camp. Gaius heard a zap and a shriek, and then the boom of a high-powered rifle as the mutant to his right was blown off it's feet in an eviscerating explosion. Now that he was in the camp proper, he stopped giving ground to the mutants, and began the righteous task of decimating them with his power maul. On the offensive now, he charged one of the mutants and drove it to the ground with his shield, discharging the shield's shock-plate, and frying the creature. Another approached him, and he hurled his mace at it, landing a blow center mass, throwing the mutant onto it's back. Gaius stood up, leaving his shield on the mutant corpse, and drew his shotgun from it's holster, pumping the action with a deliberately loud noise. If they came any closer, they would get a face full of amputator shot.