Date: Space Year 47 According to the Magsyn Empire. According to the Hegvan Union it is 6,637 A.U.E. Current Location: Uysric Galaxy Synopsis: The Uysric Galaxy is and has been in a Perpetual War for Dominance of the Entire Galaxy. This devastating war is between the Magsyn Empire and the Hegvan Union. For many, many years, the war has been equal in bloodshed against both sides. Many civilians of the Uysric Galaxy can’t even fathom a life without these two juggernauts engaged in mortal conflict. Hundreds, nay, thousands of planets remained completely devastated from the war. These wounds haven’t healed, but have only festered and rotted, as more salt has been poured into those bubbling wounds. And it seems like the Uysric Galaxy will be consumed in war-fare until everything is destroyed. Perhaps, there is still hope… people who wish to end this conflict once and for all, and are risking everything they have to either allow their side to win, or finally end the bloodshed… BUUUUT… this isn’t that story. No, even with their technology the Twin Powers still lack a complete influence in the galaxy. Plus, bureaucracy tends to be hard over vast stretches, even with this territory. In fact, several star systems in the Uysric Galaxy haven’t even heard of the Twin Powers at all. No, the real story here is about the weirdness of the galaxy, or rather the bizarre ways of the Universe itself. Oh and that’s not even mentioning parallel and perpendicular universes, and the vast, vast galaxies which have life, and also the barren ones. No, this story is about the strange individuals who go out into the fantastical universe and make a name for themselves, in whatever way they feel like making it. So, are you ready to get out into the vastness of the universe and do… well whatever, from heroic quests, to villainous plots, to adventurous expeditions to the farthest reaches of space, turning the tides in Galactic Wars, personally influencing the development of new life-forms, or even just drinking at a wretched hive of scum and villainy. THE UNIVERSE HAS IT ALL, SO BEST OF LUCK. Oh, as you probably guessed by reading this far this is a light-hearted, nonsensical Sci-fi adventure. If this game were to applied on the Sliding Scale of Science Hardness… this is extremely soft. Anyway, below will be an example character sheet so you can make a character if you are interested. Character Sheet: Name: This ranges from your legal moniker, and pen and stage names you have, criminal aliases, forged identities, and even what your childhood’s friend, cousin in law used to call you back in the day. Gender: Male, female, etc. Age: Another standard thing to know. How many solar rotations has your character been through? (Yes, this is space, so I had to ask the age based upon solar rotations.) Race: In the Vast Expanses of the Universe… there are many, many forms of life, besides just humanoid, there are even life-forms that are gaseous in nature and communicate by flashing colors. Basically this means, any race your heart can dream of. (Well, within limits of course, like don’t play Silver Age Superman who can destroy Galaxies With Sneezes…) Racial Traits: Just for an easier to read format on what makes your particular race special. What are the defects of your race, what makes you race better than the base humanoid? Physical Appearance: Either use a picture or write a description for this. Either one works. Personality: What characteristics and qualities make your character, well your character? How do they think, and feel? You don’t need to be overly long in this description, but give a general starting point to their personality (After all, it could change in game.) Occupation: What does your character do for a living, well at least at the start of the game… Who knows, maybe they’ll find a different occupation down the way. History: Give a slice of your character’s background. What events shaped who they are today? Does your character even know they had a background? ((Yes, you do have the choice to say “My character knows NOTHING of their background”. If that is the case, expect a fun learning adventure in the galaxy…!)) Skills: Every character has skills and flaws, this would be the section where you would go into detail about this stuff. Equipment: So is your character as rich as a Planetary Governor, and has a badass Inter-stellar Warship at their disposal? Or is your character just a lowly individual serving some sort of Hyper-corporation with nothing to their name? Or most likely, is your character somewhere in between? List any pertinent equipment your character has. Aspirations: What drives your character? What do they want from life, and what causes them to be truly ambitious. Give a few character motivations/aspirations. Philosophy: What beliefs does your character holds dear? Give your character a few personal beliefs. Random Tidbits: Any random tidbits that you want to add about your character. Rules: Don’t God-mode; don’t take control of another person’s character, etc. Treat others as they’d treat you. For posting, go with the flow with the other people playing. Though I’ll be trying to keep it fairly fast paced And the most important of all of the rules: Have a fun time! The Current Brave, Daring and Quite Possibly Insane Individuals in Space: [*][url=]Akira Tokugawa:[/url] Akira Tokugawa is the heir to Tokugawa Industries (a prominent Cybernetics Company based on Earth). He is a Wannabe Galactic Samurai bent on bringing [b]Justice![/b] In this quest he quickly lost his right arm to the Serial Killer Ithiis [b]"HORROR OF THE STAGE"![/b] And if that wasn't bad enough currently he is stuck in the Arenas as a Gladiatorial Slave... What will the future hold for him!? [/*] [*][url=]Mika Tokugawa:[/url] The younger sister of Akira Tokugawa. She is a Third Grade Psychic, with great potential! She luckily managed to avoid capture by Slavers, due to Akira performing a bold sacrifice of himself so that she could escape. She seeks to free her brother from his slavehood, and with the "new help" she is receiving to build her own psychic potential she is on her way to do it...[/*] [*][url=]Serenity Arvennicus[/url], the Owner and Head Architect of the Serene Design Corporation, known for making luxurious space ships at affordable (or 'affordable' depending on who you ask, but that is neither here nor there) prices. After much hard work in designing all sorts of ships, and other mechanical creations, she decided to take a relaxing vacation to Lucky Shots. What sorts of things will happen in this vacation!?[/*] [*][url=]Wildmax[/url], a Ceedromian originally destined to be an Artist on his home planet. Buuuut... That wasn't fun enough for Wildmax's tastes, as he soon turned himself into a dual pistol gun-slingin' Bounty Hunter, travelling through the Galaxy to capture criminals (also occasionally making and selling art pieces) What sort of wild adventures lay in store for this gunslinger extraordinaire![/*] [hider=Slightly Derranged Individuals of Space][*][url=]Shah-Nahul:[/url] A Masotonoid (Berserker Wookie Elephant Slave Race) Gladiator Slave on Praeclara. While he has a grandiose win record, he is perpetually stuck with the New Gladiators, due to him sparing all of his opponents even when the crowd wants him dead. This has earned him a great status as a "Face" among loyal fans, but it has not helped out his moving up in the ranks. It is there in the New Slave Pit he met the enslaved Akira Tokugawa... How will Shah-Nahul teach this man the ropes? Can Shah-Nahul teach this man? And, will he ever rise up through the ranks, despite not killing when the crowd demands blood!?[/*] [*][url=]Zharkov the Crusher.[/url] He is a Pravadov who was taken from his native ice-covered planet, and is a Gladiator-Slave. He is a dangerous and rather vicious Gladiator (I mean, he didn't earn the title "Crusher" for having tea-parties with his opponents. He earned it by taking them like tiny boxes, maybe labeled them, and more importantly CRUSHED IT! He has been tasked by his owner to never lose a match in the Praeclara Arena. What new destruction will he bring within the arena? And will anyone ever be able to Crush, the [b]CRUSHER?![/b] [/*] [*][url=]Captain Joesph T. London and The One Who Smells Like the Color Grey And Whose Soul Tastes Like the Sun (Aka Grey):[/url] Captain Joesph T. London is the Proud and Noble (at least that is what he'll say, in reality he is not really noble, but he is proud.) Captain of the USS Sycophant. His noble crew was sent to the planet Lucky Shots to find the Highly Dangerous Criminal only known as the "Organ Harvester". The Maoire (Moth person) Grey accompanies Captain London, (so London doesn't get into too much trouble). Currently Grey had just defeated a strange alien in the Warehouse District on Captain London's orders (who was quite upset he lost that battle). What secrets will they uncover in Lucky Shot's Warehouse District? And what shall they do next?[/*][/hider] Groups You Should Keep an Eye Out For [hider=White Nova Syndicate]"Hey kids, you're stepping in territories we're still claimin' so SCRAM!" (To be filled out)[/hider] [hider=Praeclaran Senate]"...Oh, you are not worthy of even stepping foot in these hallowed chambers. Deal with the plebeians, after all you share the same social caste..." (To be filled out)[/hider] [hider=Praeclaran Lower Council]*The Lower Council is not in session, as all the members have gone to attend the local bloodsports, apologizes for any inconviences.*(To be filled out)[/hider] [hider=The Twin Powers (The Two Background Empires vying for control of the Uysric Galaxy)]*The Great Off-screen War is bloody, vicious, and other negative synonyms. They are both far too busy killing the other* (May or may not be split out into the Hegvan Union and Magsyn Empire respectively) To be filled out[/hider] Individuals, Who are Quite Possibly Noteworthy [hider=Treboc]Treboc is a White Nova Syndicate Enforcer stationed on Lucky Shots. His primary duty is to keep 'unwanted' activities from occurring on the planet. However, he does have additional duties that he may do, but his primary task is to keep 'unwanted' things out. ((More detailed version may come.))[/hider] [hider=Ithiis]Ithiis is the [b]HORROR OF THE STAGE[/b]. He is a notorious Serial Killer on Lucky Shots who haunted an old, abandoned theater section he used to perform at. He is the one who chopped of Akira Tokugawa's arm, after Akira challenged him to battle. ((More detailed version may come.))[/hider] [hider= Senator Vicaver Kaseo Agorix]Senator Vicaver Kaseo Agorix, former Legionnaire, is a notable Senator, who is younger than his typical, fellow colleague in the Praeclaran Senate. Behind the mantel of a graceful and noble Senator, he is truly a megalomaniacal brute, who will snap at the sign that he is not in control. He is the owner of Akira Tokugawa. ((Aka BBEG for Current Arc)) Name: Vicaver Kaseo Agorix Gender: Male Age: 37 Earth Years Race: Elrac Racial Traits: The Elracs are quite similar to humans (many humans say this is the result from one path of their evolution, while Elracs said humans came from one of their unfortunate experimentation that made an inferior species.). Elracs are notable for their elongated pointed ears, and generally being taller on average compared to humans, alongside a longer natural lifespan than humans. Elracs are also more inclined in regards to dexterity than humans. Personality: Senator Vicaver views himself as a kind and noble individual. He usually acts with an air of grace, and power fitting for an individual who is in his position. However, that is a charade to the real personality. In reality, Senator Vicaver is a megalomaniac, who can easily snap when things don’t go his proper way. He is a blood-thirsty brute, quickly resorting to bouts of violence whenever something offends him and his sensibilities. While he tries to keep his bloodthirst in check, (after all, just being a bloodthirsty monster would not go well for his Senatorial Career), he instead finds himself drawn back to resorting to violence. He is a fan of the gladiatorial games, and hosting meetings and friendly gatherings with the other Senators. However he is incredibly loyal to the principles Praeclara were built on, and wishes to restore it back to a glorious Republic. He believes that the average individual cannot exist without being guided, and that it is easy to control them. Occupation: Senator in the Praeclaran Senate History: Vicaver was born as the eldest son of Senator Rothilion Kaseo Agorix. At his earliest of days, he was told by his father of how he would become a proud member of the Praeclaran Senate. He was taught by many scholars, and Rothilion encouraged his son to listen carefully at events he hosted with the other Senators. Vicaver, signed up to become a part of the Legion, much to his father’s dismay, but he reluctantly approved of Vicaver going into the legion. While in the Praeclaran Legion, Vicaver proved himself to be a dangerous combatant, and a rather cruel one at that, allowing enemies to live, just so that they could suffer and die a more painful death for opposing the Praeclaran Empire. After a few campaigns, and the death of his own father, he was quickly applauded and took the seat that belonged to Rothilion, and continues to work as a Senator. Skills: Senator Vicaver is a skilled combatant, which is expected due to his service as a Praeclaran Centurion. His primary fighting skill revolves around either his spear or high frequency gladius, and his enhanced shield. While as a centurion, he gained insight into War Tactics, and picked up on code breaking (as to best find and slaughter the enemy). Vicaver is also a shrewd politician (when he isn’t suffering from breakdowns of not being in control). He also has enhanced strength and endurance, and some regenerative properties, due to the nanobots that were placed inside him during his days as a Legionnaire. Equipment: Senator Vicaver has an impressive estate, holdings in slaves and guards, and credits, and modes of transport. He also maintains his Centurion gear, and keeps it in proper condition. As he was a member of the Praeclaran Legion, he was given nanobots that still are in his bloodstream. Aspirations: Senator Vicaver wishes to become a more powerful and influential Senator, and gain a majority of supporters in the Senate so he rules it. (Alongside generally becoming a rather powerful figure in the Senate, and restoring the Senate to a more powerful institution than the Emperor.) He wishes to expand the Praeclaran Empire (which he wishes to revert back to a Republic underneath the Senate he controls), even further and increase the power of Praeclara. To make all of Praeclara kneel before him and accept him as the highest authority. Philosophy: Man chooses, while slaves obey. The lambs exist solely to sate the appetite and bloodlust of the wolf. The unenlightened masses cannot make the judgement call. I'll give my people what they need, my righteousness will succeed. Random Tidbits: He hosts several events for the common man to attend, out of his own pocket. Senator Vicaver can play the Holo-phoner quite well. [/hider] Episodes/Arcs/(Aka whatever you want to call the collection of summary of events split into various chunks) of the Fantastical and Exciting Adentures in SPAAAACE! ERROR: Save File NOT DETECTED (To be filled out with transcribed summaries of previous/ongoing events) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS IS THE WACKINESS OF SPACE! DARE YOU ENTER SPAAAAACE!? ARE YOU READY FOR SPACE ADVENTURES!?