[b]Trooper Alexis Radclyffe[/b] Orders were orders, Alexis supposed, and so at the Interrogator's command she went over to check on the prone Psyker. No sooner had she reached him, though, had he sprung out of his seat and rushed off. It was almost like he didn't want to be around her... Then again, she got that a lot. Even the Interrogator seemed to want to get rid of her as soon as possible. Well, she was used to it by now. She'd grown up in a Hive, after all. Even if she was lucky enough to live in the Hive City and not in the Underhive, it was still a harsh place to live, and it seemed like everyone was out to get you. She could count the people who [i]weren't[/i] hostile to her on one hand, and even then most of them always seemed kind of on-edge whenever she was around. Alexis had learned to deal with people not liking her no matter what, really. And then the comms suddenly burst into life, emitting cries from outside about attacking mutants. Well, that just made everything perfect, didn't it? Seperated from her squad, stranded on a backwater planet, and now they were being attacked by some Emperor-forsaken twists. Sure, having grown up in a Hive she was a bit more accepting of them than other members of the group, but from the sound of it they weren't exactly Old Three-Eared Billy from down the hall. Slinging her lasgun over her shoulder and grabbing her flamer, she headed outside to secure the perimeter, as ordered. Soon enough, three mutants had already been incinerated with relative ease as she stoically held the line.