Name: Akira Tokugawa Gender: Male Age: 22 Earth years Race: Human Racial Traits: I feel like I shouldn't need to elaborate here. Physical Appearance: Personality: A lightheaded ditz by nature, Akira is filled with heroic fantasies and delusions of grandeur. He fancies himself a champion of justice and a modern day samurai. He is in fact neither, but he has a strong moral compass and the willpower to act selflessly for his friends. Occupation: Technically unemployed, though he comes from a wealthy family. History: Akira was previously going to inherit Tokugawa Industries, one of the foremost companies on Earth specialized in technology and cybernetics. Despite a lavish upbringing, the boy decided he'd rather explore the stars, spreading ideals of justice and honor and visiting unknown lands. After quite a bit of debate, the fate of the company was left in the hands of his much more level-headed older sister. He was able to commission a set of high end space-gear from the company and set off on his space samurai adventure. Skills: Through ridiculous and questionable self-training, Akira's actually fairly fit and has surprisingly sharp reflexes. Additionally, he's an adequate swordsman. He also went through fairly extensive schooling and can manage a business like nobody's business. Lastly, he has basic knowledge on how to maintain his gear to some degree. Unfortunately, he is no scientist, nor pilot, and has to rely on computer navigational systems for long distance travel. Additionally, any extensive damage to his armor, weapons, or spacecraft have to be taken to a real mechanic. Because he isn't one. Equipment: Akira's greatest boon is his samurai armor. It's a prototype lightweight exoskeleton that enhances its user's strength, as well as providing a good amount of protection against both physical and beam weaponry. It can function as a space suit with a 22 minute air supply, and is ID locked to Akira's bio-signature to prevent theft. The hologram-flag on the back can display his family emblem/company logo as well as swivel around, serving as a video monitor. The internal memory unit is loaded with over 400 hours of Earth entertainment for long ship rides. The suit has a built in high efficiency battery unit. It's solar powered and can go for almost 30 hours without charging. The suit's primary weapon is an HF katana; the blade oscillates at ultra high speeds, giving it tremendous cutting power and giving off a very faint buzz. Experimentation with nonlethal radiation gives the blade a glowing blue color to match the armor's LED lights. His main mode of transportation is a motorcycle. Akira intends to get through space by joining fellow space-adventurers, but first he needs to drop off by the DMV to get his bike registered. Aspirations: Akira aspires to spread sweet justice throughout the cosmos. Philosophy: Akira holds ideals of romantic heroism dear and champions justice, fairness, liberty and bushido. Random Tidbits: SPIRALING THROUGH THE COSMOS AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT! GALACTIC SAMURAI!