Name: Shah-Nahul Gender: Male Age: 25 Race: Mastonoid Racial Traits: Mastonoids were originally a genespliced slave-race created for war and hard labor, and it shows. They look like humanoid Woolly Mammoths, standing roughly eight feet tall on average with wickedly sharp talons. Less obvious is their incredible ability to regenerate and overactive adrenal glands. tl;dr Berserker elephant wookies Appearance: [img=] Personality: Shah-Nahul is built like a goddamn tank, and he knows it. As such, he has a habit of taking hits meant for his "pit-brothers". He has a very friendly, boisterous personality, both in and out of the ring, and makes a point of showing new gladiators the ropes. Generally speaking, he will not finish off other gladiators outside of fairly specific circumstances, such as killing a good friend. Occupation: Slave-Gladiator History: Shah-Nahul was taken to the pits at a fairly early age as tribute to the slavers who would visit his world every ten years or so. Since then, he has risen through the ranks and become a crowd favorite due to his loud and grandstanding attitude, and his unwillingness to kill those who put up a decent fight has made a good impression on many of the owners, as well. His ranking, however, is extremely low due to said willingness, and as such he shares a cellblock with many of the new guys. Skills: Shah-Nahul is an excellent fighter, but has few other skills due to being effectively raised in the arena. Equipment: Some scavenged body armor Aspirations: Shah-Nahul is perfectly fine living in the arena, and only seeks to test his prowess against any and all challengers. Philosophy: Shah-Nahul is all about the fights, and is generally quite friendly with opponents before and after a match. He considers killing a waste, as it deprives oneself of rematches down the line, where both competitors can see how they have improved. Of course, if you've violated the sacred jaghannat, a code of ritual combat common in gladiatorial circles, you're a dead man/woman/whatever.