Luro knocked a man to a ground before pointing a pistol as his head grinning as he met the man's eyes, however the captain's words hit him and he glanced in her direction before giving a nod. He sighed and moving his gun to his leg shot him in it to keep him from getting back up before throwing the gun away. Anyone who attacked him should be willing to put their lives on the line but the captain wasn't wrong they weren't murderers they were pirates. Luro had to make sure to be more of one than the other, he nodded as he slammed his gun into a man's face sending him stumbling back. Admittedly he'd prefer to just end them as he firmly believed once a weapon was drawn one's life was on the line, but he didn't need another wanted poster up and even he knew pirates didn't always kill or they'd have no place for prisoners at least that was his logic. Luro continued moving swearing he just saw Ray stumble through the crowed, when he looked over at Kai as Ray clashed with him he arched a brow before seeing what Ray did, a small smile formed on his face catching his intent before he ducked narrowly dodging a sword. He raised his gun uppercutting the man before kicking him in the chest sending him falling back. "That was a little close for comfort, gotta pay attention." Luro continued moving but his entire body flinched as a loud [i][b]blam[/b][/i] sounded. That shot was too far away to be from anyone nearby, and it didn't sound like a pistol anyway which most of these men had. The scent of gunpowder around him was faint so he had to tell himself it wasn't close, whatever that was it came from a rifle, maybe a musket. Did the navy catch up to them and were they firing? Looking around he didn't see any more men aside from the pirates, it was pretty easy to recognize them in those uniforms. An ill feeling caught Luro in his stomach and he looked up at the captain as she whistled, his eyes widened seeing her hold her shoulder. He grit his teeth and elbowed a pirate in the face coming up on his right, reaching down he grabbed his pistol and putting the gun against his chest pulled the trigger mostly for the mental confirmation of the sound. "The captain's been shot!" Luro yelled before turning and running towards the ship. While running Luro pulled out his powder and started reloading his gun, he ducked under swords and jumped over lower swipes kneeing one man in the face, as he passed Kai he stopped reloading to clothesline one of the pirates with his gun as he ran towards him to help, he grabbed his cartridge and teared it open with his teeth as he continued running. He put his rifle on his back just as he finished reloading and jumped on the ship before he climbed up the rope, that shot came from one of the pirates, that's the only thing that made sense, the captain seemed to upset them and if it was the navy there'd be more than one here and more than one shot, they normally shot in unison anyway and he was sure they would have shot at the pirates too not just the captain. Whoever shot her was probably aiming for head, if he could get up top he could figure out where the shot come from. Once he reached the top he climbed over the edge and pulled his rifle around before smiling at the captain. "Hey Captain would you mind getting down please? Nolan please protect the captain, I'm sure Kai will be here to do just that soon. Also Ray that was pretty funny but we can laugh about all that later." Luro put a foot on the edge of the ship before raising his gun and aiming at the bottom, they wouldn't move to the roof too easy a target if they were found out, he just hoped they hadn't already moved. "The shot probably came from below with all the confusion down there it'd be a good place to hide and shoot, they're probably behind something that could provide good cover and going off where I believe you were standing....." Luro trailed off aiming down a smile on his face, his eyes scanned the entire area especially places to hide. "Got her," Luro said before his aim landed on the wagon his smile moving into a grin. "She's behind the wagon it'd be pretty nice if a cannonball hit there since I can't get a shot with her hiding behind it. The moment she pokes her head out...." Luro's finger rested on his trigger his breath steady as he waited for the slightest movement. "I'm afraid I intend on killing this one captain, unless you want an eye for an eye...and I hit her shoulder. Also I just realized I could have used something else other than eye, please excuse that. Well actually me saying something about it probably didn't help, how about an arm for an arm....nah that sounds silly I'm keeping the original one."