Igam took up a position a little behind the proctor, and drew his las-pistol. He started taking potshots at anything that moved in the forest. He noted with disdain that a number of the shadowy figures were human shaped. [i]"How debased a human life is by associating with mutants"[/i] Igam thought as he put a hole through one of the human brigands. The numbers of the foes seemed to be thinning out considerably, thanks to the efforts of the Proctor and the ogryn. Igam watched as the guardswoman in red hefted a flamer and quickly made short work of several mutants. He shuddered at the thought of her presence, and was secretly happy to see she took up a position distant from himself. Igam turned back around to see a pair of mutants, led by a normal human in metal armor burst from the trees and charge toward the came. Igam was going to leave the trio to either Gaius or Grav, but they both were occupied with assailants of their own. Igam lifted his staff, and slammed it down into the earth, sending a shockwave through the ground, which overtook the three, and the ground swallowed them up.