Ahhh, I just finished the series and I'm crying. I wish it wasn't over :( You're definitely going to be shocked about everything that happens, though. It is really good. Also, as relating to everyone on the show being hot.. I fucking know! Holy cow XD OMG Never mind.. apparently season 3 is coming out next year or something, we're all good. Aha... So have you started binging on OITNB yet? XD I would love to be stereotyped as a cheese lover... I'm counting on you to make this happen ;p And I see. I feel like a mill themed ride would be fun but I don't really get it.... is it because our national animal is a beaver? #confused Also, I don't really remember much from Epcot! I didn't get to go walk around the park much because when I went it was for dance and we were like outback at Epcot in workshops all day, I do remember the Italy section though, it was pretty :) That would certainly be very weird.... XD Aha Oh, I totally agree with that one! No Australian/other weird beaches for me! I'll stick to pools I think :p Have you ever been to Australia or anything? And no. No. No. No. No. nonononononononononononononononononononononononono. I would be scarred for life if someone [i]pushed[/i] me out of the plane. Have we forgotten that I'm a control freak? The biggest reason I'm scared of falling is because I'll feel super out of control and I don't like that. You're right, getting attached to people, even those who won't be n your life forever, isn't a bad thing. Sure, it can sometimes hurt when they end up leaving but that is life and that's how you grow up. It's hard to trust people with your affection because it is like giving them every opportunity to take your heart and rip it up into little shreds. And I wish that isn't how it had to be, and it scares me knowing that someday someone is going to break my heart like that, but that's life. I think that there would be different levels of soul mates, like people who just impact you a little, yet in a significant way, and those who change your entire life. I know my best friend is the latter. I also believe that there are ample opportunities for us to find our soul mates, and that you just kind of have to keep your mind open because it might be someone you least expect! That is kinda ironic, and a little sad. If only the world could find a happy medium... oh wait! That's Canada ;) Just kidding!! Yeah, they caught him yesterday or sometime this morning I think. He just kinda came out of the woods and was like "I'm done" and it was really weird. I didn't say anything about making out... but yeah x) Hehe, I'm so excited! But I'm actually scared that I'm going to get too attached to him, like I always do with people, and it's going to freak him out. I mean, I've told him that I am a smother-y type of person and he told me that he didn't mind, that he didn't think I was like that at all and a bunch of other stuff but still. And I'm also really scared of getting hurt.