Idan let loose his bolt and it slammed into the skull of a skeleton, sending it's head tumbling down, down, down. Here was too slow to be much use to the fight, and he had the same chances of hitting an ally of he did his foes, so he drew his dagger from his belt and his buckler from his back and charged into the fray. He stabbed towards the first skeleton he met and met it's sternum before following up with a kick off the ledge. He proceeded into the battle, slashing and stabbing while avoiding and blocking blows with his buckler. He was not as much of a fan of fighting up close, but it was necessary sometimes. He glanced to the undead who fought alongside him, a bit worried. Undead were... They could be good fighters, if a bit careless considering their... Curse? Blessing? He couldn't really decide which one the Darksign was, but eventually going insane did not seem particularly fun. Hopefully Thalesin had plenty of time before that happe- THUD! Idan staggered back as a skeleton bashed him with it's shield. He had been distracted and he swore at himself under his breath before lashing out at his opponent. He looked down at his feet for a moment and paled. He was standing right at the edge of the cliff, and a single blow could send him tumbling to his death. First he had to deal with this skeleton though...