Drag had walked through a portal, and expected his foot to touch a nice, solid ground on the other side. Instead, it was air, and he was about 50 feet up, screaming loudly (though he wasn't falling very fast, it was a lighter gravity) as he plummeted down towards what he got a nice view of as he fell. It was kind of a weird, spider web covered place that had pillars everywhere. This didn't really register with him, as he was still screaming, having completely forgotten about his wings, hitting the ground with a surprisingly much more softer sounding thunk. What he had landed on was much harder then he expected, petrified web hurts. Though he landed by an old pal! His bag slunk onto his lap as he sat there, rubbing at the side of his face in a whiny murmuring sound. It took him a while before he even realized who he landed by, and even stood up to brush himself off before he looked over about twelve feet, gasping audibly. "Oh my goodness, it's that one dude! Uh, smelly guy." It was all he really knew Fury by, Sukoh said it, not him. "Man, you got all fucked up, what happened? Picking fights with more bears?"